aesophor / wmderland

🌳 X11 tiling window manager using space partitioning trees
MIT License
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[Feature request] wmderlandc --list #61

Open arcolinuxz opened 2 years ago

arcolinuxz commented 2 years ago

Can we have a list of commands that we can put behind this application? kill is one ... any more Can we have a manpages about this desktop?

aesophor commented 2 years ago

That sounds great, I'll add it.

I want to write documentation for this wm, but unfortunately I'm recently occupied with lots of stuffs... I'll add the documentation and manpages if possible, but probably not recently.

arcolinuxz commented 2 years ago

In the meantime users can git clone the github - install rigprep and use its search command rg

Screenshot from 2021-12-03 09-32-13

arcolinuxz commented 2 years ago

`[erik@ArcoLinux-IsoBuilder wmderland]$ rg wmderlandc 27: sudo rm /usr/local/bin/wmderlandc 63: echo "-- Building wmderlandc (client)" 76: echo "-- Installing wmderlandc (client), invoked with sudo make install"

ipc-client/CMakeLists.txt 2:project(wmderlandc VERSION 1.0.4) 10:add_executable(wmderlandc wmderlandc.c) 13:target_link_libraries(wmderlandc ${LINK_LIBRARIES}) 16:install(TARGETS wmderlandc DESTINATION bin)

ipc-client/ 11:$ gcc -o wmderlandc wmderlandc.c -lX11 17:$ wmderlandc navigate_left 18:$ wmderlandc navigate_right 19:$ wmderlandc navigate_down 20:$ wmderlandc navigate_up 21:$ wmderlandc tile_h 22:$ wmderlandc tile_v 23:$ wmderlandc toggle_floating 24:$ wmderlandc toggle_fullscreen 25:$ wmderlandc goto_workspace 26:$ wmderlandc workspace 27:$ wmderlandc move_window_to_workspace 28:$ wmderlandc kill # kill current window 29:$ wmderlandc exit # exit WM 30:$ wmderlandc reload # reload config 31:$ wmderlandc debug_crash # don't use this`