Closed bluesky632 closed 6 years ago
您好,当我执行到 path_checkpoint='sentiment_checkpoint.keras' checkpoint=ModelCheckpoint(filepath=path_checkpoint,monitor='val_loss', verbose=1,save_weights_only=True, save_best_only=True) try: model.load_weights(path_checkpoint) except Exception as e: print(e)
Unable to open file (Unable to open file: name = 'sentiment_checkpoint.keras', errno = 2, error message = 'no such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)
您好,当我执行到 path_checkpoint='sentiment_checkpoint.keras' checkpoint=ModelCheckpoint(filepath=path_checkpoint,monitor='val_loss', verbose=1,save_weights_only=True, save_best_only=True) try: model.load_weights(path_checkpoint) except Exception as e: print(e)
Unable to open file (Unable to open file: name = 'sentiment_checkpoint.keras', errno = 2, error message = 'no such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)