aestheticinteractive / Hover-UI-Kit

Create beautiful user interfaces for immersive VR/AR experiences.
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How to use OVR Grabber with the module? #80

Open 0rShemesh opened 5 years ago

0rShemesh commented 5 years ago

Hi, thank you very much for creating this kit. I'm trying to grab object with Oculus VR while using yours kit. When i put OVR grabber component in Oculus input module and configure it rightly it doesn't work together with the other sense what should I do?


Thank you very much, Or

zachkinstner commented 5 years ago

Hi @0rShemesh, I'm not familiar with the OVRGrabber component. It's not clear exactly what issue is occurring here, could you be more specific about what is happening? Did the Hover UI Kit items work correctly before adding OVRGrabber?

It seems unlikely that Hover UI Kit would cause OVRGrabber to fail, or that there would be a conflict between them. Hover UI Kit doesn't use colliders or rigidbodies. Does at least one of your Hover UI Kit cursors HoverCursorData have Capability = Full?

If you're trying to grab a Hover UI Kit item/interface, as a starting point, I'd guess that you would first need to attach a collider/rigidbody to it.