aeternity / aepp-blockchain-explorer

Official blockchain explorer for Aeternity Blockchain
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add an application wide check for broken node connection and strategy to deal with it #311

Open shekhar-shubhendu opened 5 years ago

shekhar-shubhendu commented 5 years ago
  1. Explorer should check for if the connection to the node is working or not and communicate the same to the user. This can be done by greying out the network name.

  2. If a node disconnects,

    • the explorer should stop querying for new data and only do HTTP requests to check if the node is up again or not.
    • explorer should still work for the data already present in the store.
  3. Optional (but will be good to have in production env): Explorer should also have an array of backup nodes to connect. If the connection to the main node fails then after a certain threshold of retries the explorer should try connecting to the backup nodes in a round robin fashion.

ror-shubham commented 5 years ago

connection status indicator added in #345