Open davidyuk opened 1 year ago
I found that it is possible to define the ACI's part defining the type of Sophia value in typescript.
type ValueAci = 'void' | 'unit' | 'int' | 'bool' | 'string' | 'bits' | 'hash' | 'signature' | 'address' | 'contract_pubkey' | 'Chain.ttl' | 'Chain.ga_meta_tx' | 'Chain.paying_for_tx' | 'Chain.base_tx' | 'AENS.pointee' | '' | '' | 'MCL_BLS12_381.fp' | { 'Set.set': readonly [ValueAci] } | { bytes: number } | { list: readonly [ValueAci] } | { map: readonly [ValueAci, ValueAci] } | { tuple: ReadonlyArray<ValueAci> } | { record: ReadonlyArray<{ name: string, type: ValueAci }> } | { variant: ReadonlyArray<{ [key: string]: ReadonlyArray<ValueAci> }> } | { option: readonly [ValueAci] } | { oracle: readonly [ValueAci, ValueAci] } | { oracle_query: readonly [ValueAci, ValueAci] };
It doesn't include type aliases because it doesn't suit my use case. But in general, it should be possible to define ACI structure in typescript instead of specifying aci as any[].
Well, I don't care/use much for main.d.ts, feel free to shape it whatever fits your needs.
I found that it is possible to define the ACI's part defining the type of Sophia value in typescript.
It doesn't include type aliases because it doesn't suit my use case. But in general, it should be possible to define ACI structure in typescript instead of specifying aci as