aeternity / aesophia

Stand alone compiler for the Sophia smart contract language
ISC License
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cannot produce ACI for contract interface #319

Closed marc0olo closed 2 years ago

marc0olo commented 3 years ago

I am wondering about getting the ACI for contract interfaces. how can a dev currently verify that a contract interface is valid? compiler responds {"message":"No contract defined.\n","pos":{"col":0,"line":0},"type":"type_error"} when trying to produce the ACI.

marc0olo commented 3 years ago

to be clear about that and avoid misunderstandings:

marc0olo commented 3 years ago

ok after some discussions with @thepiwo the compiler currently requires a main contract for some reason. so in order to be able to get the ACI for an interface we need to remove the interface declaration prior to sending the code to the compiler.

I don't like that but it's the only way to achieve what I want right now.

ghallak commented 2 years ago

@marc0olo Could you provide an example of how were you able to produce ACI for contract interface in the past and what is the workaround that you have to do now in order to produce it?

marc0olo commented 2 years ago

let's close this for now. I will re-open if I see a need