aeye-lab / pymovements

A python package for processing eye movement data
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SchemaFieldNotFoundError When Loading Preprocessed Data #607

Closed jakobchwastek closed 8 months ago

jakobchwastek commented 8 months ago

Current Behavior

When loading preprocessed data using the Dataset.load() method with the preprocessed=True flag, I encounter a SchemaFieldNotFoundError related to the trialId column. The preprocessed data already has renamed columns, and the error occurs because the renaming operation is performed again, regardless of whether the data is preprocessed or not.

Expected Behavior

The preprocessed data should be successfully loaded without any errors.

Minimum Acceptance Criteria

Failure Information (for bugs)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load the JuDo1000 public dataset.
  2. Perform preprocessing steps like pix2deg and pos2vel.
  3. Save the preprocessed data using
  4. Attempt to reload the saved preprocessed data using dataset.load(preprocessed=True).

Code to Reproduce

dataset = pm.Dataset('JuDo1000', path='/mnt/scratch/chwastek/datasets/Judo1000/')
dataset.load(subset={'subject_id': 1})

dataset.pos2vel(method='savitzky_golay', window_length=7, degree=2)

Error Log

SchemaFieldNotFoundError                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[33], line 9
      6 dataset.pos2vel(method='savitzky_golay', window_length=7, degree=2)
----> 9 dataset.load(preprocessed=True)

File /mnt/scratch/chwastek/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymovements/dataset/, in Dataset.load(self, events, preprocessed, subset, events_dirname, preprocessed_dirname, extension)
    119 self.scan()
    120 self.fileinfo = dataset_files.take_subset(fileinfo=self.fileinfo, subset=subset)
--> 122 self.load_gaze_files(
    123     preprocessed=preprocessed, preprocessed_dirname=preprocessed_dirname,
    124     extension=extension,
    125 )
    127 if events:
    128     self.load_event_files(
    129         events_dirname=events_dirname,
    130         extension=extension,
    131     )

File /mnt/scratch/chwastek/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymovements/dataset/, in Dataset.load_gaze_files(self, preprocessed, preprocessed_dirname, extension)
    159 """Load all available gaze data files.
    161 Parameters
    184     If file type of gaze file is not supported.
    185 """
    186 self._check_fileinfo()
--> 187 self.gaze = dataset_files.load_gaze_files(
    188     definition=self.definition,
    189     fileinfo=self.fileinfo,
    190     paths=self.paths,
    191     preprocessed=preprocessed,
    192     preprocessed_dirname=preprocessed_dirname,
    193     extension=extension,
    194 )
    195 return self

File /mnt/scratch/chwastek/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymovements/dataset/, in load_gaze_files(definition, fileinfo, paths, preprocessed, preprocessed_dirname, extension)
    205     filepath = paths.get_preprocessed_filepath(
    206         filepath, preprocessed_dirname=preprocessed_dirname,
    207         extension=extension,
    208     )
    210 gaze_data = load_gaze_file(
    211     filepath=filepath,
    212     preprocessed=preprocessed,
    213     custom_read_kwargs=definition.custom_read_kwargs,
    214 )
--> 216 gaze_data = gaze_data.rename(definition.column_map)
    218 # Add fileinfo columns to dataframe.
    219 gaze_data = add_fileinfo(
    220     definition=definition,
    221     df=gaze_data,
    222     fileinfo=fileinfo_row,
    223 )
    SchemaFieldNotFoundError: trialId

Relevant Code Snippets

The datasets DatasetDefinition describes a column_map for renaming columns in the raw input data.

column_map: dict[str, str] = field(
    default_factory=lambda: {
        'trialId': 'trial_id',
        'pointId': 'point_id',

I tested by running the code with removing the column map, and it worked:

dataset = pm.Dataset('JuDo1000', path='/mnt/scratch/chwastek/datasets/Judo1000/')
dataset.definition.column_map = {}



prassepaul commented 8 months ago

we should integrate: dataset.load(preprocessed=True)

to our integration-test

dkrako commented 8 months ago

Thank you for creating this bug report!

we should integrate: dataset.load(preprocessed=True) to our integration-test

Actually this is a functional tests you are talking about, and this should go into a new file called in the functional tests directory.

Of course adding it to the integration tests won't hurt, but remember:

jakobchwastek commented 8 months ago

Wouldn't it be necessary to store the databases test files with proper name as present in actual dataset. Otherwise I would need to adjust the filename format and thus leave out parsing the attributes in filenames.