Hi, i just finished building my arduino shield NCS314 v. 2.2 and the last step was to upload code to the arduino and plug it in to test. I followed along with the video tutorial on your youtube channel. I have all the libraries added, but when i try to upload to the arduino (mega 2560) i get the error 'gps_fix' doeas not name a type.
does anyone have a fix for this? this is my first project so it's fully possible that i have done something wrong..
(this is the file i try to upload)
H:\Annet\arduino code\NixeTubesShieldNCS314-master\Firmware\Source code\Hardware Version 2.0 (HW2.0)\NixieClockShield_NCS314
Hi, i just finished building my arduino shield NCS314 v. 2.2 and the last step was to upload code to the arduino and plug it in to test. I followed along with the video tutorial on your youtube channel. I have all the libraries added, but when i try to upload to the arduino (mega 2560) i get the error 'gps_fix' doeas not name a type.
does anyone have a fix for this? this is my first project so it's fully possible that i have done something wrong..
(this is the file i try to upload) H:\Annet\arduino code\NixeTubesShieldNCS314-master\Firmware\Source code\Hardware Version 2.0 (HW2.0)\NixieClockShield_NCS314