Open Fossdal opened 2 years ago
I found the issue during compiling. It is a line of code at line 220 stating SPI_Init where there is no code to call. I copied the Spi initialization from the sample code or codes from other boards for Spi to correct this.
my bad the line is at 280 delete the SPI_Init(); and copy the next into its place moving existing code down. This got my unit working SPI.begin(); // SPI.setDataMode (SPI_MODE2); // Mode 2 SPI // судя по данным осциллографа нужно использовать этот режим SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV8); // SCK = 16MHz/128= 125kHz //Serial.println(SPCR, BIN); //SPCR=B00111111; //Serial.println(SPCR, BIN);
I got an MCU Board NCM109 v1.x for Tubes board NCT4xx and it has a HV5222. but the code is not working with this chip