Hi, thanks for Gimp appimage & gimp-plugins-collection appimage.
Could you add BIMP plugin?
It should be straightforward (easy).
I just put bimp (precompiled) and bimp-locale at plug-ins and it just works.
(Linux Mint 20 Mate == Ubuntu 20.04 Focal).
I took it from here, following MareroQ's advice:
Hi, thanks for Gimp appimage & gimp-plugins-collection appimage. Could you add BIMP plugin? It should be straightforward (easy). I just put bimp (precompiled) and bimp-locale at plug-ins and it just works. GIMP_AppImage-r-2.10.22-withplugins-x86_64 (Linux Mint 20 Mate == Ubuntu 20.04 Focal). I took it from here, following MareroQ's advice: http://gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?p=250779&sid=9be5379317a227fab62550df8f8315be#p250779
BIMP - Batch Image Manipulation Program is different and supplemental of David's Batch Processor (now included with GIMP). https://alessandrofrancesconi.it/projects/bimp/ Kind regards