afewell / HOL-2563-01-TNZ-L

repo for assets used in preparation for HOL
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HOL-2563-01-TNZ-L-v0.2 Release #6

Closed afewell closed 1 month ago

afewell commented 1 month ago

Release Planning Notes

Goals for the 0.2 release:

The original goals for the 0.2 release have now been moved to the 0.3 release because, when I was preparing to implement those features I realized I needed to add hard drive capacity to the LMC before I could download the assets needed to meet the release goals.

Accordingly, I have updated the goal for the 0.2 release to add just the additional hard drive capacity on LMC. Ideally, that would have been completed as part of 0.1, but cutting the 0.2 release with only this addition will accomplish the same outcome, which is a core base template that has all of the initial preparations required before being able to start installing the components required for the desired lab use case.

After these updates are made, the vApp should be shut down and saved to the catalog as v0.2.

Release Notes

Features Included in this Release

Additional hard drive capacity added to the LMC and mounted to /scratch.

Explicit Steps to move from previous to current release

  1. Load the saved v0.1 template from catalog (do not turn on)
  2. Edit the vapp networking default firewall rule to allow/permit traffic
  3. power on the vapp and remote console to LMC
  4. on LMC, open terminal and execute /hol/Tools/
  5. While attempting to download files, I realized the LMC hard drive is too small. The Working with the linux main console document details the procedure of adding a temporary additional hard drive to be used during the dev process. I followed these steps
    1. on the LMC, execute sudo ls/dev/sd* > ls-dev-sd.txt to document pre-install state
    2. on lmc, execute cat /proc/partitions > cat-proc-partitions.txt
    3. power down lmc
    4. in vcd, navigate to vapp > virtual machines > LMC > Hard disks and click edit
    5. Add hard disk with 60GB, Bus Type: LSI Logic SAS (SCSI), Save
    6. Power on LMC
    7. on lmc, execute cat /proc/partitions and identify drive that looks closest to 60gb, there should be only one. In this instance the value for "blocks" for the new drive was 62914560 and the name was "sda"
    8. from lmc terminal execute sudo /usr/sbin/fdisk /dev/sda, this opens an interactive prompt:
    9. Specify a new partition by entering "n". Specify a primary partition by entering "p". Accept the defaults to create a single partition accessing the entire device. Enter a "w" to write the partition information to the disk.
    10. execute:
      su - 
      mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 # creates a filesytem on device
      mkdir /scratch
      mount /dev/sda1 /scratch 
      chmod 777 /scratch
      # Do not exit su yet 
    11. In order to mount this disk on boot, an entry will be needed in the /etc/fstab file. Execute blkid and copy down the uuid for /dev/sda1
    12. enter nano /etc/fstab and enter a new line to add the new disk in the following format, note this example uses a random uuid, use the uuid gathered in the previous step: UUID=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 /scratch ext4 defaults 0 2, Save and exit nano
    13. Reboot LMC to verify mount availability after reboot
    14. after reboot enter mount | grep /scratch and you should get a response like /dev/sda1 on /scratch ...
    15. This completes adding the disk, be sure to save files to /scratch when downloading things for hol development
afewell commented 1 month ago

After adding the disk, something went wrong with lab startup, and Mark fixed it.