afewell / HOL-2563-01-TNZ-L

repo for assets used in preparation for HOL
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HOL-2563-01-TNZ-L-AF-v0.4 #8

Open afewell opened 1 month ago

afewell commented 1 month ago

Release Notes

Features Included in this Release

Explicit Steps to move from previous to current release

  1. Load the saved AF-v0.3 template from catalog
  2. from lmc terminal run `/hol/Tools/
  3. When I try downloading the cloud proxy ova from the LMC and it downloads but then wont work right so I used a roundabout method ... from outside of the vapp on your own desktop Login to, download the cloud proxy ova, and then use scp to copy it to the LMC.
  4. Deploy OVF Template
    1. display name: HOL-2563-01-TNZ-L
    2. IP Address:, gateway is .1
    3. DNS:,
    4. network proxy: proxy.vcf.sddc.lab:3128
  5. power on the cloud proxy vm, wait a few minutes and it connected!
  6. Added MINIO container directly to pat-lite VM and updated its docker-compose accordingly.
  7. installed age using
  8. TODO: ENSURE that the pat builder and orchestrator pipelines are updated to correctly install minio and age!
  9. TODO: update all scripts in both pipes to wrap if's around any mkdir statements
  10. NOTE: default concourse login string: fly -t control-plane login -c -u test -p test
  11. NOTE: default minio uname and password is minioadmin
  12. Added a local docker registry to enable concourse to access images. I did try a method to allow concourse to use the local container host images directly but couldnt get it to work. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2, refer to the command history on PLVM for more details.
  13. TODO: add the local docker registry configuration to both aria pipelines to the pull and configure images steps.