affans / yorkuthesis

Latex template for a masters/phd degree at York University. Meets FGS regulations. Last updated for 2019.
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Reorder File Sequence #2

Open Nasidiqi opened 3 years ago

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

also how can i re order the file in front matter like Abstract, acknowledgement preface shoudl come before TOC.

affans commented 3 years ago

Isn't that currently the case? The title page, abstract, acknowledgements all come before the TOC with the current code. In any case, if you want to change the order, look at line 118 in the cls file. See code below and my comment therein.

  \pagestyle {empty}
  \pagenumbering {roman}
  \setcounter {page} {1}
  %%\pagestyle {empty}  \makecopyrightpage
  %%\pagestyle {empty}  \makeauthenticitypage  
  \@ifdefined {@abstractfile}{\makeabstract}
  \pagestyle {fancy}
  \@ifdefined {@dedicationfile}{\makededication}
  \@ifdefined {@acknowledgementsfile}{\makeacknowledgements}
  \pagenumbering {arabic}
  \setcounter {page}{1}}
Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

NO, TOC is appearing on top. Can you help me to format this? somewhere live i can share thesis with u ?

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

Title page is not appearing. this is my tex file.


%========== basic required packages ================= \usepackage[tracking]{microtype} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{pdfpages}

%========== citation setup ================= %\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, sorting=none, natbib=true, backref=false, backrefstyle=all+, hyperref=false]{biblatex} %\addbibresource{./%FILENAME%.bib} % enter with .bib extension

%========== thesis setup ================= % \setboolean{masters}{false} % set true for a Master's thesis; % false for a PhD dissertation % \setboolean{hasfigures}{true} % set true if you have figures % \setboolean{hastables}{true} % set true of you have tables

\title{A natural language question answering system for exploring online conversations}
\author{Nadia Ashfaq Siddiqui} % this is your name exactly as you want it to appear everywhere in your work. % \department{Mathematics and Statistics} % this is the name of the programme in which you are attempting your degree % \masterof{Science} % this is the type of Master's degree you are attempting. If the boolean masters is false, this has no effect. % \degreename{Doctor} % put the actual name of the degree you are attempting {Doctor or Masters} % \date{September 2018} % this is the month and year of defence

% Your committee members list has to be an enumerated list. % % \committeememberslist{ % \begin{enumerate} % \item Member A % \item Member B % \item Member C % \end{enumerate}}

%========== Front Matter Files ================= %\input{Title} \abstractfile{Abstract.tex} %\dedicationfile{dedication.tex} \acknowledgementsfile{Acknowledgement.tex} \prefacefile{Preface.tex}

%\abbreviationsfile{abbreviations.tex} % \toc

\begin{document} \makefrontmatter % main text follows \include{introduction} \include{Problem} \include{literature_review} \include{proposed_approaches} \include{Interface} \include{UserStudy} \include{FutureWork} %% include your chapters here. %% include your appendix here. \include{appendix-a}


affans commented 3 years ago

Get rid of the \toc. You don't need it, the \makefrontmatter command already orders and puts in the table of contents for you.

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

it does not work as it is suppose to

affans commented 3 years ago

Could you paste your .tex file? Please use ``` to surround your code to make it readable, something like

% ```
my code
% ``` 

(without the %)

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

%========== basic required packages  =================

%========== citation setup  =================
%\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, sorting=none, natbib=true, backref=false, backrefstyle=all+, hyperref=false]{biblatex}
%\addbibresource{./%FILENAME%.bib} % enter with .bib extension

%========== thesis setup  =================
% \setboolean{masters}{false}      % set true for a Master's thesis; % false for a PhD dissertation
% \setboolean{hasfigures}{true}  % set true if you have figures
% \setboolean{hastables}{true}   % set true of you have tables

\title{A natural language question answering system for exploring online conversations}       
\author{Nadia Ashfaq Siddiqui}   % this is your name exactly as you want it to appear everywhere in your work.
% \department{Mathematics and Statistics}   % this is the name of the programme in which you are attempting your degree
% \masterof{Science}        % this is the type of Master's degree you are attempting. If the boolean masters is false, this has no effect.
% \degreename{Doctor}       % put the actual name of the degree you are attempting {Doctor or Masters}
% \date{September 2018}     % this is the month and year of defence

% Your committee members list has to be an enumerated list.
% \committeememberslist{
%   \begin{enumerate}
%     \item Member A
%     \item Member B
%     \item Member C
%   \end{enumerate}}

%========== Front Matter Files  =================


    % main text follows
    %% include your chapters here. 
    %% include your appendix here.

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

it starts with Abstract and is not creating title page.

Aso it is not adding these in this seq in Tabel of content.

I have spent many hours but cant figure out.

affans commented 3 years ago

Sorry you are having trouble. Your file looks correct to me. A couple of questions 1) Have you create the files Abstract.tex , Acknowledgement.tex and Preface.tex? They should be in the same folder. 2) Does your code compile properly? (I would recommend deleting all latex-produced files (except the .tex and .cls) and recompile again.

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

Yes, i have and they are in same folder.

What about teh title page? It does not display....

affans commented 3 years ago

Can you attach the pdf you create?

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

Please help me .....................its not working...

affans commented 3 years ago

Okay, so now I am a bit confused at what you are missing or what you intend to do? It seems to me that your PDF (the first file you attached) does have a title page. It's the first page of the PDF. It seems like the Abstract, Acknowledgements, and Preface are also there, before the table of contents like you wanted (and how FGS wants). The TOC also shows the correct pages including the links to abstract, acknowledgements, and preface.

Take a look at FGS requirements

I am not sure what you are missing here?

Edit: Why is there such a drastic change between the first and second file? I would not suggest editing the .cls if you don't need to, or don't have the expertise yet. The current organization matches that of FGS and they are fairly strict about it from what I remember.

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

Did you look at pdf? IT just updated and displayed these contents. but its not complete it is not showing rest of thesis content/ all chapter, bibliography.

that is from another template i submitted initially and now i need to work on FGS feedback. I have never worked in latex and it is bit complex.

affans commented 3 years ago

Yes, I am looking at the first file you attached. It has 78 pages, with the title page, and all the other front matter files. It also has all the chapters, and those chapters show up in the TOC as well.

You can send me a zoom/google hangout link, I have about 30 minutes I can use to help you.

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago

what email address to send u zoom link ?

affans commented 3 years ago

Nasidiqi commented 3 years ago