SAWarning: relationship '' will copy column agency.feed_id to column routes.feed_id, which conflicts with relationship(s): 'Route.feed' (copies feed_info.feed_id to routes.feed_id), 'FeedInfo.routes' (copies feed_info.feed_id to routes.feed_id). Consider applying viewonly=True to read-only relationships, or provide a primaryjoin condition marking writable columns with the foreign() annotation.
Indeed there is multiple join path between some entities (feed-route conflict with feed-agency+agency-route), as we use composite keys for relationships.
In order to remove those warning we need to manually specify primary join expression in the ORM layer.
Indeed there is multiple join path between some entities (feed-route conflict with feed-agency+agency-route), as we use composite keys for relationships.
In order to remove those warning we need to manually specify primary join expression in the ORM layer.