afiodorov / stratego

Lord of the rings inspired stratego game
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Design #4

Open afiodorov opened 10 years ago

afiodorov commented 10 years ago, session and socket recap

Each connection with a server has a socket. Socket is lost if connection is lost (e.g. refresh), therefore each connection also mantains a session, which is not lost due to cookies on the client's side.

Once a game between 2 players starts 2 sockets are joined by the (auto generated) into a "chat-room"

Servers and clients emit and handle custom events like this:


socket.of('gameOver'); // just announced to everyone in the game that it's over


socket.emit('makeMove', {gameId: gameid, "gandalf to mordor"});

Bird eye view

Clients keep the current state of the game in GameState instance, which resembles heavily server's GameScheme json shema, which is stored in MongoDB.

Noticeable differences between client's game state and server's game state:

Clients however know of each game, which is an auto-generated id from the MongoDB.

Once the page is built the following happens for each game the client has:

  1. The lobby requests the state of each game
  2. GameController object is created

GameController objects holds references to GUI, e.g. Board and Hand (of cards) and a referce to gameState.

As game state changes on the server side, server sends new game scheme json (without the opponents pieces' names of course). Upon receiving that GameController updates the model (=gameState).

I decided that the model and GUI have Observer / Subject pattern, i.e. GUI is an observer of the model.

When game is loaded for the first time the GameController adds GUI as observers to the model, i.e once gameController updates gameState, gameState calls board.update(gameState), hand.update(gameState).

hand.update, board.update methods actually refresh the canvas.


Each hand and board object is a container for an array of the Knockout objects, which are visible on canvas, e.g. KnockoutPiece (KPiece) and KCard.

To construct such objects from gameState, (static) GameStructs class is needed which contain an additional information about each piece/card.

GameState is a lightweight object by design, so that communication with a server is responsive. Besides rules don't change throughout the game, so don't see the point of exchanging them all the time.

More Details

GameController is the only class which is capable of speaking to the server. GameController can also refresh GUI.

However, GUI and GameController have a mixin pattern and are heavily coupled: hand.emitters = gameController.guiEvents.

gameController.guiEvents contains the human interaction with gui, which require either of the following:


Currently the pseudo code is missing, but the concept is simple:

Server will receive a bunch of events, e.g. 'playCard', 'movePiece' and so on, will check whether it's ok reusing the GameLogic class and finally update the database, using the ./models/Game.js class, where a bunch of handy methods will be present (e.g. Game.playcard("dark", "3"))

Upon success it fires off 'gameState' event and the gui of the games is eventually updated, though a mechani outlined above.

socket.on('playCard', , function(card /*{cardName: 'retreat', gameid: 'gameid'}*/) {
  // check if socket is allowed to play game and get socket's side
  Game.getClientGameState(gameid, socket.sid, function(err, gameState) {
    if(err) {
      // log
    var newClientGameState = GameLogic.isValidCard(gameState, card);
    if(newGameState.err) {
    newClientGameState = newGameState.newState;

    Game.playCard(gameid, function(err, newOpponentClientGameState) {
      if(err) {
      // emit gameStates


var gameStructs = {};
gameStructs.tiles = [];
gameStructs.tiles[0]  = { capacity: 4, name: "The Shire" };
gameStructs.tiles[1]  = { capacity: 2, name: "Arthedam" };
gameStructs.tiles[2]  = { capacity: 2, name: "Cardolan" };
// ...

gameStructs.pieces = [];
gameStructs.pieces = [
    {strength: "5",
    description: "dark player plays his card first"}
  // all pieces go here, even opponent player's
gameStructs.getPiece(piecesName) {
  return /* find piece object in pieces arr */


var GameState = function() {
  var self = this;
  self.mySide = "light";
  self.stage = "game"; // start, game, battle
  self.turn = "light";
  self.light =  {
    piecesLeft: [{name: "gandalf", position: [2,2]}],
    cardsLeft: ["3", "retreat"]
  self.dark = {
    piecesLeft: [{position: [3,1]}],
    cardsLeft: ["1", "magic"]
  // each Observer must implement update() function
  self.observers = [];

/* the ONLY way server updates gui is through this */
GameState.prototype.setState = function(stateJson /* state Json received from server */) {
  // parse what changed and call each observer's update();
  // no state validation here - we can trust the server

/* this is a massive class which has GameStructs as dependency,
it has all the rules in here and it is shared between server and client
var GameLogic = (function {   
  // some private methods if there's a difference between server and client data representation
  return {
    ioveValid: function(gameState, move) {


/* it ties GUI, model and interaction with the server together 
   it is allowed to call hand and board public methods,
   and it calls GameLogic before emitting an event.

   It receives 'setState' event from the server and updates the view.
var GameController = function(gameId_, gameSocket_) {
  var self = this;
  var isInitialised = false;

  self.gameId = gameId_;
  self.context = $("#" + gameId + "")[0].getContext('2d');
  self.gameState = new GameState();
  self.gameSocket = gameSocket_;
  self.board = new Board(context);
  self.hand = new Hand(context);
  gameSocket.on("gameState", function(gameJson) {
    if(!isInitialised) {


GameController.prototype.guiEvents = {
  self = this;
  getAvailableTiles : function(event) {
  return GameLogic.getTiles(self.gameState, event);
  movePiece : function(event) {
    if(GameLogic.ioveValid(self.gameState, event) {
      self.gameSocket.emit("movePiece", event);
    } else {
      self.showError({type: "invalidMove", text: "Against the rules"});
  playCard : function(event) {
    if(GameLogic.isPlayCardValid(self.gameState, event) {
      self.gameSocket.emit("playCard", event);
    } else {
      self.showError({type: "invalidMove", text: "Against the rules"});

GameController.prototype.showError(errorObj) {
  // show notifaction

/* this is KinectJS piece
it maintains a referece (parent) to it's container (board), so
that it can call board's public interface directly (if
gameState/gameSocket is not required),
or indirectly, through parent.emitters
var KPiece = function(parent_, pieceName_, location) {
 // set up more things to display, use gameStructs.pieces for information
  var self = this;
  var parent = parent_;
  self.pieceName= pieceName_;
  self.x = getXFromLocation(location);
  self.y = getYFromLocation(location);
KPiece.prototype = getXFromLocation();
KPiece.prototype = getYFromLocation();

KPiece.move = function(newLocation) {
  this.x = getXFromLocation(newLocation);
  this.y = getYFromLocation(newLocation);
  // tell Kinect to redraw;
/* player picked up a piece */
KPiece.onMove = function(newLocation) {
    any interaction requiring the current state - through the gameController!
  var tilesToHighlight = 

var Board = function(context_) {
  var self = this;
  self.emitters = null;

  var context = context_;
  // let's hide the fact that we use KineticJS from the rest of the world
  self._kPieces = {
    // sample
    //"gandalf": kGandalf,
    //"frodo" : kFrodo

Board.prototype.initState = function(gameState /*lightweight JSON object*/) {
  for(piece in gameState.pieces) {
     this._kPieces.push({ new KPiece(self,, piece.location)});

Board.prototype.addEmitters = function(o) {
  this.emitters = o;

Board.prototype.update = function(gameState) {
   // update each kPiece 
   // no gameState validation here

Board.prototype.highlightTiles(tiles) {
   // show user where he can move his next tile

var KCard = function(parent_, name) {
  var self = this;
  self.parent = parent_;

KCard.prototype.onMove = function() {

var Hand = function(context_) {
  var self = this;
  var context = context_;
  self.emitters = null;
  self._kCards = [];

Hand.prototype.initState = function(gameState) {
  for(/*for card in parsed gameState */) { 
    this._kCards.push({ new KCard(self,});

Hand.prototype.addEmitters = function(o) {
  this.emitters = o;

Hand.prototype.highlightWhereToDrop = function() {


Hand.prototype.update = function(gameState) {
  // refresh this._kCards

Server GameState Schema:

_id : 52d46ba599138efd6600001b,
players : [#sessionid1, #sessionid2],
sides : {#id1: "light", #id2: "dark"},
gameState: { 
  turn: "light",
  stage: "game",
  dark: {
    piecesLeft: [{name: "gandalf", position: "2"}]
    cardsLeft: [{name: "3"}, {name: "retreat"}]
  light: {
    piecesLeft: [{name: "caveTroll", position: "3"}]
    cardsLeft: [{name: "1"}, {name: "magic"}]