aflaag / pokemon-icat

Shows any Pokémon sprite in your terminal!
GNU General Public License v3.0
94 stars 6 forks source link

Error on execution #10

Open qbnil opened 8 months ago

qbnil commented 8 months ago

Hey, thx first of all for that nice script. I just installed everything and it seemed to be working fine until i got this: Failed to process : ImageMagick failed: Failed to identify image at path: /dev/shm/kitty-tty-graphics-protocol-3866875960 with error: Running the command: /usr/bin/magick identify -format {"fmt":"%m","canvas":"%g","transparency":"%A","gap":"%T","index":"%p","size":"%wx%h","dpi":"%xx%y","dispose":"%D","orientation":"%[EXIF:Orientation]"}, -- /dev/shm/kitty-tty-graphics-protocol-3866875960 Failed with error: identify: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/746.

qbnil commented 8 months ago

It's able to run it and shows the pokemon and outputs the error at the same time

aflaag commented 8 months ago

I believe it's an ImageMagick issue (?)

qbnil commented 8 months ago

reinstalled, no difference

aflaag commented 8 months ago

have you tried looking it up on google or something, like

aflaag commented 8 months ago

I don't think I can help you really

qbnil commented 8 months ago

Alr, thx anyway

itsmogee commented 3 months ago

Alr, thx anyway

Where you able to fix this problem? I am getting the same error.

aflaag commented 3 months ago

hey! i updated the program, and now it uses viuer, let me know if the problem is fixed by any chance! 742eddad31122995d4c4ab81a5963e9705dfea67

itsmogee commented 3 months ago

It works better than kitten icat ! Thanks a lot !, the pixel quality seems a bit lower than icat and it automatically writes "clearGi=31;OK" to my terminal input but this isn't a big issue compared to the error I got with icat so It is useable for me now.

aflaag commented 3 months ago

(pasting the comment here for the future, from this

there is a small change i need to make (maybe doing it later today) that will maybe fix the "clean" thing, not sure though and regarding the image quality, yes it's slightly worse and it's viu's fault, i actually opened an issue for this but i wasn't even the first person to notice this, there were already other issues related to this problem idk why it does that, it kinda bothers me too but nothing i can do really