afonsotrepa / PocketGopher

Gopher browser for android written in java
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Tapping on text even accidentally shrinks the font #4

Open seanlynch opened 6 years ago

seanlynch commented 6 years ago

Action: Tap somewhere on the screen while viewing a page

Expected behavior: Nothing happens on single tap unless it's a link or control.

Actual behavior: font shrinks, sometimes by multiple steps.

Version: 1.2.3 from F-Droid

Hardware: Pixel XL running Android 8.1.0

afonsotrepa commented 6 years ago

Hm, I'm not getting that behaviour on Android 7.0, but I am getting a bug where it scrolls the textbox down slightly after the first touch.

I suspect your bug is related to the support library, so I'll have to do some digging around to figure it out.

Thanks for the help, I'll let you know when I've fixed this issue.

noobpurple commented 6 years ago

I'm getting the same bug on a Pixel 2, Android 8.1.0, version 1.2.3 from F-Droid

russsharek commented 6 years ago

Happening to me on Nexus 5x

helpdeskdan commented 5 years ago

Ya, I does it on my Nexus 6

afonsotrepa commented 5 years ago

What Android version are you running? Seems like it only happens on version 8 and up.

helpdeskdan commented 5 years ago

Lineage 15.1. With a little modification, this could be a useful feature - I actually like the smaller font.