Haven't really fleshed this out. We could pose it as 5x 3D joysticks, each with its own endpoint.
May simplify incorporation with existing software
May give each "joystick" a bit more bandwidth (i.e. each finger gets a max of 64kB/s, rather than the whole device getting 64kB/s)? Then we can play with timestamps per
May be more likely to run into OS restrictions on # of devices? With two hands, we would have 10 endpoints, and it looks like some OSes are unhappy at 30+
Communication is more ambiguous--which endpoint to send commands to? Or we might get to only provide a single endpoint for communication toward the device?
Not allowed to send floats (but that probably makes it a bit easier to match existing joystick behavior)
Haven't really fleshed this out. We could pose it as 5x 3D joysticks, each with its own endpoint. Pros:
https://hamaluik.com/posts/making-a-custom-teensy3-hid-joystick/ http://blog.damnsoft.org/usb-adventures-part-2-custom-hid-and-usb-composite-devices/