afosto / yaac

Yet another ACME client: a decoupled LetsEncrypt client
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Feature/dns #5

Closed bakkerpeter closed 4 years ago

bakkerpeter commented 4 years ago

Added DNS support based on the work of @lordelph. In stead of validating based on the built-in dns_get_record I suggest we Cloudflare's API to overcome caching issues within PHP.

lordelph commented 4 years ago

All looks good, my only suggestions would be

Just suggestions though, it's your package :)

bakkerpeter commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into this later today.

bakkerpeter commented 4 years ago

rename selfTest as at first glance I thought that was some kind of automated test to verify the client correctly implements ACME! Something like waitForSelfValidation might make this clearer

I think we should leave this as is for now, as changing the name would induce a breaking change (I think we can use the same method for both HTTP - which is already implemented - and DNS testing.)

My experience with one provider I use (DNSMadeEasy) is that if I ask LE to validate immediately after seeing my local DNS resolver fetch the updated TXT record, it will fail LE's secondary validation checks. A minimum of 60 seconds generally worked, and I never had any validation issues with 90 seconds

Good feedback and based on this, I have changed the backoff factor for the DNS validation (see . To keep it consistent with the HTTP validation I think we should just stay with an max attempt count. The effect is as follows with default settings (pausing time in seconds between attempts): 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 45 - totalling 155 seconds if all attempts fail.

lordelph commented 4 years ago

This doesn't provide a minimum time delay - it will return as soon as it sees the DNS record, so I'd suggest adding to the documentation to make sure anyone doing DNS validation performs an extra sleep after selfTest has succeeded. I'll send you a suggestion as separate PR.