thingspeak will be used to retrieve data from umbrella, analyze and visualize them.
[x] Firstly an account has been created, then a private channel with our fields (Temperature, humidity) and relative plots templates, is also possible to ask for the location of the sensor). We can also share the channel view I just have to retrieve your email somewhere in the deepweb and add you.
thingspeak will be used to retrieve data from umbrella, analyze and visualize them.
[x] Firstly an account has been created, then a private channel with our fields (Temperature, humidity) and relative plots templates, is also possible to ask for the location of the sensor). We can also share the channel view I just have to retrieve your email somewhere in the deepweb and add you.
[x] Thingspeak will work as a subscriber, , topic has to match with one used by the broker (for this aim the public broker and port 1883 are suggested by litterature).
[ ] then data analysis part will be implemented: statistics, outlier removal, time control, and mapping.
[ ] thingspeak will work as datasource for the freeboard.