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consider more functional component handlers #2012

Closed ngokevin closed 7 years ago

ngokevin commented 8 years ago


Just a random idea.

AFRAME.registerComponent(‘foo’, {
  initialState: {
    currentPosition: new THREE.Vector3()

  schema: {},

  update: function (entity, data, state, oldData) {
    state.currentPosition.x += 1;
    return state;
mflux commented 7 years ago

I wanted to throw in a suggestion for this alternative:

  AFRAME.registerComponent('component', function( context ){
    //  context = this in the old use-case
    //  anything in this closure is "private" unless returned
    const path =;        

    context.el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', function( result ){
      //  no "this" confusion

    function tick( dt ){
      //  define a tick, with access to everything private

    function reset(){
      //  even custom functionality

    //  return anything required for components
    return {
      schema: {
        type: 'string'

One last tiny bonus: init function can be passed important things like this, el, renderer, etc so component writers don't need to guess how to deference things like renderer (this.el.sceneEl.renderer...). The init function can pass that ( function( context, scene, renderer ) ).

dmarcos commented 7 years ago

@mflux Can you articulate what this confusion mean? Simply passing the prototype of the component to registerComponent as we do know is simple and effective. Using this is pretty vanilla JS and every developer regardless of the library they come from understands it. In your example, It's not clear what context is without having to read extra docs. The current architecture is not opinionated and very flexible. You could wrap your variables in a closure if you prefer or you could even create your own registerComponent that implements the pattern you describe.

dmarcos commented 7 years ago

You can actually do what you describe... You can create AFRAME.registerComponentFn.

ngokevin commented 7 years ago

I think he means you wouldn't have to do method binding, doing var self = this, or doing like var x = this.x.

I can see the benefits. This is still vanilla JS, and you don't know what's in this either without reading the docs. At least with context, you can console.log it and read it cleanly. They're both equally flexible, this is just a bit cleaner. You'd also be able to create private "methods" that have still access to the scope, which currently you can't.

ngokevin commented 7 years ago

It's also prescribe developers to pre-define all their state/internal variables up top and discourage them from calling handler functions as if they were methods.

dmarcos commented 7 years ago

I like simplicity over all. @mflux design is for me a proof of success of keeping things simple and unopinionated. He comes to a-frame with his own particular background and was quickly able to successfully bend the current design to his own taste.

mflux commented 7 years ago

Yup :) This is what I proposed, registerComponentFn or have registerComponent check if the second argument is a function, or I just create a thirdparty thing and use it myself.

Anyway, I'm happy to articulate the issue and why I think this is an improvement. I first learned of writing JS without using this from Douglas Crockford in this talk (timestamped link).

I'll be the first to admit it's "opinionated". But hey, what interesting person have you ever met that doesn't have an opinion?

Issue 1: Callbacks and "this"

Here's a typical a-frame component:

  AFRAME.registerComponent('component', {        
    schema: {
      type: 'string'
    init: function(){

Any time I want to get "data", I have to access "this". Say, then, I need to write callbacks and then use "data":

      this.el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', function( event ){
        event.detail.model.material.color.setHex( );

Oops. "this" refers to the function callback. This is one of the most common pitfalls for beginners in JS. So instead, I may try to do the ES6 arrow function (or fall back to "bind" in older browsers):

      this.el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', ( event )=>{
        event.detail.model.material.color.setHex( );

A common strategy is to defer "this" into "that"?

    const that = this;
    this.el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', function( event ){
      event.detail.model.material.color.setHex( );

That's a bit confusing to read since you have to have two separate "this" to keep track of in your head. Instead, let's simply deference what we need:

      const data =;
      this.el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', function( event ){
        event.detail.model.material.color.setHex( data );

But why do this deferencing? Couldn't a function just have passed me this data?

    function( data ){
      this.el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', function( event ){
        event.detail.model.material.color.setHex( data );

In fact, let's go a step further:

    function( el, data ){
      el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', function( event ){
        event.detail.model.material.color.setHex( data );

Boom. This is totally gone. Was there ever a need for "this" to begin with? Other than attaching everything in it as a bundle? Instead, if we're fancy with ES6 destructuring:

    function( { el, data } ){          
      el.addEventListener( 'model-loaded', function( event ){
        event.detail.model.material.color.setHex( data );

That's a single object (what used to be "this") passed into the argument parameter (context) and now we have both el and data, free from deferencing.

Issue 2: Sharing State

Back to our initial example, we're adding a tick function to our component:

  AFRAME.registerComponent('component', {
    schema: {
      type: 'string'
    init: function(){
    tick: function(){

Our component needs an animation mixer:

    init: function(){
      const mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer();
      //  set it up

Tick needs to access it, but has no way of doing so. We've been forced to attach it to the only shared space, "this":

    init: function(){
      this.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer();
      //  set it up

    tick: function( dt ){
      this.mixer.update( dt );

In a closure, this is very easy to understand:

    function init(){
      const mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer();
      function tick( dt ){
        mixer.update( dt );
      return {

This has the added bonus of hiding the mixer (private, in the closure) until users of this component absolutely has to have it. If it turns out we need to expose it, we can do this:

    function init(){
      const mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer();
      function tick( dt ){
        mixer.update( dt );
      return {

Anyway, I don't really have a dog in this race. This is just my 2cents, and how I write code, and yes it's my opinion that it's far superior to using this unless it's for performance reasons.

mflux commented 7 years ago

So I went ahead and tried it myself to see if it was feasible. It, kind of is?

Here's my fork: Not sure how you're supposed to try forks. I'll leave that up to you.

There's an example that uses this:

My modified registerComponentFn function:

module.exports.registerComponentFn = function (name, fn) {
  var NewComponent;
  var proto = {};

  const definition = fn();

  if (name.indexOf('__') !== -1) {
    throw new Error('The component name `' + name + '` is not allowed. ' +
                    'The sequence __ (double underscore) is reserved to specify an id' +
                    ' for multiple components of the same type');

  // Format definition object to prototype object.
  Object.keys(definition).forEach(function (key) {
    proto[key] = {
      value: definition[key],
      writable: true

  if (components[name]) {
    throw new Error('The component `' + name + '` has been already registered. ' +
                    'Check that you are not loading two versions of the same component ' +
                    'or two different components of the same name.');
  NewComponent = function (el, attr, id) {, el, attr, id);
    const methods = this.setup({
      context: this,
      sceneEl: el.sceneEl,
      scene: el.sceneEl.object3D,
      object3D: el.object3D,
      data: buildData(el,, this.schema, attr)

    for (let key in methods) {
      this[ key ] = methods[ key ];

    if (!el.hasLoaded) { return; }

  NewComponent.prototype = Object.create(Component.prototype, proto); = name;
  NewComponent.prototype.constructor = NewComponent;
  NewComponent.prototype.system = systems &&[name]; = wrapPlay(;
  NewComponent.prototype.pause = wrapPause(NewComponent.prototype.pause);

  components[name] = {
    Component: NewComponent,
    dependencies: NewComponent.prototype.dependencies,
    multiple: NewComponent.prototype.multiple,
    parse: NewComponent.prototype.parse,
    parseAttrValueForCache: NewComponent.prototype.parseAttrValueForCache,
    schema: utils.extend(processSchema(NewComponent.prototype.schema)),
    stringify: NewComponent.prototype.stringify,
    type: NewComponent.prototype.type
  return NewComponent;

Some notes:

Here's example component:

AFRAME.registerComponentFn('test-component', function(){

  function setup( {context, el, attr, id, scene, object3D, data } ){

    console.log( el );
    console.log( object3D );
    console.log( scene );
    console.log( data );

    const mesh = el.getObject3D( 'mesh' );

    const clock = new THREE.Clock();
    const speed = data;

    function init(){


    function tick( dt ){
      mesh.material.color.r = Math.abs( Math.sin( clock.getElapsedTime() * speed ) );

    return {

  return {
    schema: {
      type: 'float'


My conclusions from this exercise:

ngokevin commented 7 years ago

Awesome. At the very minimum, we can expose the Component prototype now.

I'd like to write components this way too as it would be much easier to unit test and decide what is private and public. Ideally, we could be able to pass a prototype or function into the same function while having both of them go down the same code path and not introduce extra API. Will have to explore that more.

Also reminds me a bit of React. All components were classes/prototypes, but then they introduced stateless functional components where you could define a component via just a function, input props and output the render props => <ReactComponent/>.

donmccurdy commented 7 years ago

Having used them in AngularJS, Express, and Koa, my opinion is that state management through state/context/scope arguments often introduces more inconsistency than it fixes, and I would prefer not to see that become a required pattern. The nuances of this are inherent to JavaScript, and the community is already dealing with those at the language level (fat arrows, class syntax, etc).

Exposing component prototype makes sense to me; I'm certainly supportive of letting devs write however they prefer.

ngokevin commented 7 years ago

The prototype is exposed now. We can create a third-party wrapper and try it out, test its ergonomics.

ngokevin commented 7 years ago

While I like the closure syntax more than our current state, we're on the road we're on...hopefully class syntax might help things later on.