aframevr / aframe

:a: Web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
MIT License
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Doesn't render background on mobile out of vr in some cases #3331

Open tomegz opened 6 years ago

tomegz commented 6 years ago

Description: A-Frame doesn't seem to render background (whether it's a-sky or cubemap sky, it doesn't matter) when there are no other entities present to render. It happens only on mobile. You can reproduce it in the given URL on mobile device (I use Chrome on mobile). Steps to reproduce:

  1. Drag to a view where no boxes are present
  2. Enter VR Mode
  3. Exit VR Mode

If you exit VR with entities present on screen, everything will render as expected. If you enter and exit VR when no boxes are present, it will show white screen - no backround. If the screen is white you can drag to a place where entity should be shown, it will finally render everything. No demos from have this issue since there is always default cursor present on screen.

Temporary fix I use for my demos is very distant, small entitity as a child of camera.

dmarcos commented 6 years ago

I can't reproduce the problem on iPhone X or Desktop (Firefox / Oculus) with the provided steps and example:

dmarcos commented 5 years ago

Not sure if related but observed that skyboxes / sky domes can get clipped by far plane in VR mode. View frustum varies per headset.