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:a: Web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
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a-videosphere: 180 degree support and SBS support. #5472

Open Clodo76 opened 8 months ago

Clodo76 commented 8 months ago


vincentfretin commented 8 months ago

For your second question, for 360 stereo video, you can look at and there is actually also a half mode for 180 videos but I never used it. I used it mainly with videos and single image with top=left eye and bottom=right eye.

dmarcos commented 8 months ago

Feel free to submit a PR with doc improvements.

For first question. It would be possible to playback 180 degrees video but we haven't seen much demand. What's the format / special about it? 180 video is not just equirectangular too? Can always be supported via 3rd party component.

RomanIvn commented 1 day ago

Answering the first question for future generations, for non-equirectangular but spherical projection (like a 180 fisheye) as such: image

Using a custom shader on a videosphere:

      AFRAME.registerShader('fisheyesphere', {
        schema: {
          src: { type: 'map', is: 'uniform' }
        vertexShader: `
          varying vec3 vNormal;

          void main() {
            vNormal = normal;
            gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
        fragmentShader: `
          uniform sampler2D src;

          varying vec3 vNormal;

          void main() {
            vec2 uv = normalize( vNormal ).xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
            vec3 color = texture2D( src, uv ).rgb;

            gl_FragColor = vec4( color, 1.0 );


    <a-videosphere src= "#fishvideo" play-on-click  geometry="phiLength: 180; phiStart: 0;" rotation="90 0 0" position="0 0 0" material="shader: fisheyesphere"></a-videosphere>

this approach can be adapted to dual fisheye lenses 360 thus answering the second question aswell. ref: eye projection in three.js