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WebXR mode broken on Vision Pro with A-Frame 1.6.0 #5530

Open JL-Vidinoti opened 1 month ago

JL-Vidinoti commented 1 month ago


In WebXR mode (VR) using the Vision Pro, the gltf-model do not appear correctly. The ordering of the elements is wrong. It was working fine with version 1.5.0 but the bug appears with the latest 1.6.0 version.

In browser mode, it works properly. IMG_0030

The issue appears in VR mode IMG_0031

mrxz commented 1 month ago

Sadly not in possession of an AVP to test. @dmarcos can you reproduce the issue?

The strange thing is that even when meshes are sorted incorrectly, the depth buffer should still prevent outcomes like this. For completion sake:

Can't immediately think of a change in A-Frame that could cause this. I suspect that it's due to a change in Three.js. If you could git bisect between the v1.5.0 and v1.6.0 tags that would be awesome.

A stab in the dark, but could you try adding renderer="stencil: true" to <a-scene> and see if that changes anything?

JL-Vidinoti commented 1 month ago

I have one error appearing in the console but I don't know if it's related.

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 13 56 46

I only observed the issue with the gltf-model but I did only few tests. However, while trying the code snippet shared earlier, I observed that the objects were disappearing when I was looking up. See recording below.

I tried renderer="stencil: true" but the same problem occurs.

dmarcos commented 1 month ago

Can you try a different simpler gltf model? Could be the shaders / materials of that model

arpu commented 1 month ago

only idea is the soring change from

mrxz commented 1 month ago

From the video it's clear that something is up with the depth buffer. It's as if it isn't being used, but the helmet seems fine, so perhaps it's somehow cleared/invalidated after each draw. The sorting is behaving as you'd expect, the closest objects are drawn first. Looking up most likely causes the sky to end up being drawn last, which makes the rest disappear.

Someone with an AVP really just needs to do a git bisect and we'll know the exact change causing this.

JL-Vidinoti commented 4 weeks ago

I found the commit causing the issue:

I also did some more tests and it is not related to the gltf-model. The standard scene looks like that with the Vision Pro: visionpro But it should look like that: desktop

mrxz commented 4 weeks ago

@JL-Vidinoti Thanks for digging into this. That commit most likely causes the AVP to be considered mobile by A-Frame. The puzzling part is still how this in turn causes these weird rendering issues (as even on mobile devices things should just work).

One thing that differs is that antialiasing is disabled by default for mobile devices. Could you try if the problem persists when you explicitly enable antialiasing: <a-scene renderer="antialias: true">?

JL-Vidinoti commented 3 weeks ago

Good catch! It works by enabling antialiasing.

dmarcos commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for investigating. Much appreciated. This means that isTablet isIpad return true on AVP after ?

We gotta correct that so antialising is enabled by default again on AVP

Gott understand why lack of antialising affects the rendering order but probably need to be handled in a separate issue.

vincentfretin commented 3 weeks ago

If that helps, there is this link that was shared on discord a few days ago to detect if you're on Vision Pro:

Utopiah commented 2 weeks ago

Also had problems with models on Vision Pro that I didn't encounter before, wondering if it's related to Vision OS 1.2 rather than an AFrame update.