afry-south / dragonfly-fcb

ÅF Dragonfly Quadrotor UAV Project
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Change IDE to Eclipse or other? #20

Closed stenbergd closed 9 years ago

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

CooCox is alright, but doesn't seem to be the most stable IDE and has rather messy configuration.

Perhaps consider another open-source IDE? Can we use Eclipse with GCC for ARM Toolchain with debugging and programming directly from the IDE?

adam-at-epsilon commented 9 years ago

I concur, if we can find a more stable and full-featured IDE in the future like eclipse it would be good.

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins:

These plug-ins provide build and debug extensions for Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) for 32/64-bit GNU ARM toolchains like GNU Tools for Embedded, Linaro, etc, ready to run STM32Fx project templates and full integration for advanced J-Link JTAG/SWD probes, including SWO tracing console and peripheral registers view.

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

I think we should consider getting GCC for ARM running with Eclipse soon as it would open up the possibility to work with the project in both Windows AND Linux OS. has a GCC ARM version for Linux

According to moderators on CooCox CoIDE forum, a Linux version of their IDE is currently not under development.

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

More IDE options here:

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

For Linux, we must also consider ST-Link/V2 debugger support and drivers. So in summary we need:

adam-at-epsilon commented 9 years ago

Eclipse + OpenOCD + Windows

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

adam-at-epsilon commented 9 years ago

Eclipse has an Egit plugin for git. This could be useful when refactoring our source tree.

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

Got GNU ARM Eclipse plugin to work for Eclipse CDT. Shouls be a possibility for both Windows and Linux OS.

Also got OpenOCD debugging working with the ST-Link in Eclipse.

See eclipse-migration-branch branch in repo.

stenbergd commented 9 years ago

Using EGit at my home workstation. Works well it seems.

stenbergd commented 9 years ago
