afterschoolstudio / Depot

Structured data editor built inside VS Code
Apache License 2.0
186 stars 19 forks source link

Gallery/Tips: Post pictures of your Depot Sheets Here! #37

Open kkukshtel opened 3 years ago

kkukshtel commented 3 years ago

Hello all!

First, Depot has surpassed 1,000 downloads on the Visual Studio Marketplace!


Thanks to everyone who's downloading it and using it. It was a labor of love that I thought other people might benefit from and I'm happy to know that that seems to be the case!

I wanted to start a thread here where people were able to comment with screenshots of their Depot files (and even upload them directly if they don't mind sharing) so we can give people a better idea of what Depot is capable of and show how you can use it in production.

Here's a peek at my main Depot sheet for Cantata.


I'm heavily using nested tables and props and linking here, allowing me to really easily tie all data to other sheets and reduce any sort of "stringly typed" data values. I recently wrote the C# end of my loader as well, that I may upload to this repo or another as a sample integration method.

Another fun thing I use Depot for is actually generating the field documentation for this repo!


I wrote a little dotnet app that basically reads the data in and then spits out the markdown I use on the wiki!

Would love to see how other people use the tool!