afterwind-io / preprocessor-loader

Bring the awesome "Conditional Compilation" to the Webpack, and more.
MIT License
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v1.2.1 - comments processed incorrectly #38

Closed zdm closed 1 year ago

zdm commented 1 year ago

After updated to the version v1.2.1 I got compilations error, This happens when option verbose is set to the ``true.

Part of the original code:

    useTopWindow: false,
     * @property {Boolean} hashbang If set to `true`, when a hash is set, the hash will be prefixed
     * with an exclamation making it a hash bang instead of just a hash.
     *     Ext.util.History.add('foo'); // will result in #foo
     *     Ext.util.History.hashbang = true;
     *     Ext.util.History.add('bar'); // will result in #!bar
     * @property {String} currentToken The current token.
     * @private
     * @event ready
     * Fires when the Ext.util.History singleton has been initialized and is ready for use.
     * @param {Ext.util.History} history The Ext.util.History singleton.
     * @event change
     * Fires when navigation back or forwards within the local page's history occurs.
     * @param {String} token An identifier associated with the page state at that point
     * in its history.
    hashRe: /^(#?!?)/,


  ERROR in ../../../softvisio-node/ext/resources/ext-7.6.0/ext.js
  Module build failed (from ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):
  SyntaxError: d:\projects\softvisio-node\ext\resources\ext-7.6.0\ext.js: Unexpected token (66015:6)

    66013 | /* * @property {String} currentToken The current token.*/
    66014 | /* * @private*/
  > 66015 | /* */*/
          |       ^
    66016 |     /**
    66017 |      * @event ready
    66018 |      * Fires when the Ext.util.History singleton has been initialized and is ready for use.
      at in
afterwind-io commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 1.3.0