when I run
sh CAMPHOR_SVcall.sh ${SortByReadNameBam}/tumor.SortedByNames.bam ${SortByCoordinateBam}/tumor.subreads_sorted.bam tumor_CAMPHOR
There is a Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/picb/sysgenomics/gaoli/GBC/pacbio_DNA_reads/2_subreadstofq/5_CAMPHORsomatic/CAMPHORsomatic-main/./src/SV_support_read.py", line 636, in
max_INS_len = ">" + str(max(INS_len))
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
I am using PacBio aligned DNA reads, not nanopore data.
I am really in urgent need to solve this problem.Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it!
when I run sh CAMPHOR_SVcall.sh ${SortByReadNameBam}/tumor.SortedByNames.bam ${SortByCoordinateBam}/tumor.subreads_sorted.bam tumor_CAMPHOR There is a Error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/picb/sysgenomics/gaoli/GBC/pacbio_DNA_reads/2_subreadstofq/5_CAMPHORsomatic/CAMPHORsomatic-main/./src/SV_support_read.py", line 636, in
max_INS_len = ">" + str(max(INS_len))
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
I am using PacBio aligned DNA reads, not nanopore data.
I am really in urgent need to solve this problem.Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it!