agamemnus / cordova-plugin-xapkreader

Easily access Google Play APK expansion file data.
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Tips on Debugging #127

Closed chipbell4 closed 5 years ago

chipbell4 commented 5 years ago

Hello again,

This is not necessarily a bug that I've found, but I question TBH. I'm almost positive I've misconfigured something, and I was curious if you had any tips for debugging things once they're in Google Play Beta. I don't fully understand every line of code here, but it appears that much of the code isn't actually executed unless the app is delivered in Google Play (as opposed to a side-loaded build).

Aside from adding tons of Log.v calls everywhere, do you have any tips for tracking down problems?

My particular issue: I'm seeing the initial install of my particular app crash when running the Downloader Activity. I submitted a PR to fix it yesterday, but now it appears the activity just hangs. I'd like to triage myself and confirm that it's either 1) My poor configuration or 2) A bug in the app (which I can promptly fix and PR 👍 )

agamemnus commented 5 years ago

Just have to log things; don't know a better way to do it.

agamemnus commented 5 years ago

I mean, you can look at the stack of course... that could help.

chipbell4 commented 5 years ago

Absolutely, and for exceptions that has been helpful. I was afraid logging would have been the best way. The Android docs on the process hint at that method, and I didn't see another way. Either way, I'll keep digging and send a PR your way if I find something. I'll close this too. Thanks again!

chipbell4 commented 5 years ago

Oh, and for those who find this thread later. You're going to need Log.i instead of Log.v. I think the verbose calls are stripped in the store. FYI.