agamemnus / cordova-plugin-xapkreader

Easily access Google Play APK expansion file data.
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Set up content provider after download completion #71

Closed agwells closed 7 years ago

agwells commented 7 years ago

If the CordovaActivity is still running when the download finishes, then it won't re-initialize the plugin, it won't re-initialize the content provider, and the content provider will be stuck thinking the expansion file doesn't exist yet, until the app is force-quit and re-launched.

So, we'll manually send a message to the ContentProvider telling to to re-initialize as needed.

agamemnus commented 7 years ago

Great -- can you just add periods on the two extra comments, please?

agwells commented 7 years ago

Updated the commit to add periods to the comments.

agamemnus commented 7 years ago

(Sorry -- I realized recently I could do it myself as per the readme changes, but then forgot about this.)