agarzola / jQueryAutocompletePlugin

Jörn Zaefferer’s (now deprecated) jQuery plugin, with tweaks.
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IE 9 probelm with click event in dropdown for multiselect #36

Open firulais opened 12 years ago

firulais commented 12 years ago

In Firfox the plugin is working like a charm. In IE 9 when clicking in the dropdown for selecting an item is just working correct the first time in a multiselect. When selecting the second (or further) item for multiselect a problem arrises: The current (first selected) value is overridden and the letters typed in are joined.


  1. Typing e.g. "sc" into the input, the dropdown appears, click with mouse on "Scott Tiger". "Scott Tiger; " is copied into the item and the letters "sc" are cleared from the item. Everything is fine in IE 9 and firefox.
  2. Typing e.g. "jo" into the input, the dropdown appears, click with mouse on "John Dow". Firefox is fine, the value "John Dow; " is copied into the item and the lettes "jo" are cleared. The item now holds the values "Scott Tiger; John Dow; "

Problem in IE 9: The item holds the wrong value "John Dow; jo"

IE 9 overrides the already selected values of the multiselect and does not clear the typed in letters for selection.

Thx a lot for some hints.

    <script type='text/javascript' src='lib/jQuery-1.4.4.min.js'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.autocomplete.js'></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.autocomplete.css">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $().ready(function() {
        $('#ac').autocomplete(['Scott Tiger', 'John Dow'], {multiple: true, multipleSeparator: '; '});
    <input id='ac'>

You may try it here:

qiangtou commented 12 years ago

see 我加了下面的一行代码在828行

now work well in ie9. 有一个问题,在选第一个词时,用鼠标点击是好的,按回车键则光标会跳到最前面,在选第二个词以后,没有这样的问题。