agateau / nanonote

A minimalist note taking application
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[Feature Request] Colours for list hyphens/stars and headers #43

Closed Justinzobel closed 1 year ago

Justinzobel commented 1 year ago

It would be great to have the option to do colours for list hyphen/stars so they stand out slightly.

I'd also love to see headers that start with a # or something similar. No change in font size, just colour to have them stand out.

Keep up the good work. Because of the internal dependencies of this I might try making a flatpak.

agateau commented 1 year ago


I don't think it would be that useful for hyphen/stars: highlighting these is interesting in a Markdown editor to show the user the list items have been recognized as such, and will be turned into <li></li> tags when converted to HTML but Nanonote is not a Markdown editor.

Having said this, it's true that I use Markdown-style headers a lot, so highlighting them would be useful. It would make sections easier to jump to. The difficulty is to figure out the right color to use, as I do not want to dive into the theming rabbit hole.

Having a Flatpak would be great, let me know if you build one so that I can refer to it in the README!

dlaidig commented 1 year ago

While I don't have any strong opinions, I had some thoughts while reading this, so I'll just dump them here in case they turn out to be useful:

agateau commented 1 year ago

For information, I experimented with just making lines starting with # bold, and I like it:


You can try it from the highlight-heading branch.

dlaidig commented 1 year ago

I also like it. :)

One thing I noticed is that on Breeze Dark (and probably on all dark themes), the bold font stands out a lot less than on light themes. But I guess that is just how it is. Probably still better than using colors.

I also quickly played around with some source code and while I found it a bit irritating sometimes, I don't think it's a big issue. It will anyway only affect top-level comments, and in the worst case, one can always temporarily indent the whole code block.

Btw, is it on purpose that the CI did not run for this branch? I guess it's probably caused by the change in 5ac52821ee7af1b51d269df1a0155f2c771764a4.

agateau commented 1 year ago

I also quickly played around with some source code and while I found it a bit irritating sometimes, I don't think it's a big issue. It will anyway only affect top-level comments, and in the worst case, one can always temporarily indent the whole code block.

Just pushed the changes and published 1.3.92 which contain them!

Btw, is it on purpose that the CI did not run for this branch? I guess it's probably caused by the change in

Yes, this is to avoid an annoying issue with GitHub CI: if the CI is configured to build on all pushes and on all PRs, then when one opens a PR, all builds happen twice: once for the push and once for the PR.

agateau commented 1 year ago

I am going to close this now that 1.3.92 is out.