agda / agda-categories

A new Categories library for Agda
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Multicategory of commutative monoids #291

Open laMudri opened 3 years ago

laMudri commented 3 years ago

I think the (symmetric) multicategory of commutative monoids would be a good benchmark for any definition of (symmetric) multicategories. In this multicategory, objects are commutative monoids and morphisms are multilinear maps, i.e, maps f : A₁ × … × Aₙ → B such that f(a₁, …, x + y, …, aₙ) = f(a₁, …, x, …, aₙ) + f(a₁, …, y, …, aₙ) at each position in the domain. I like this benchmark for two reasons:

I have previously had difficulty defining this multicategory based on the definition in this library. We may consider whether a direct definition of symmetric multicategories is simpler than a definition of general multicategories. Indeed, a direct definition of Cartesian multicategories is much easier, and I nearly have the techniques in my upcoming thesis to define symmetric multicategories in a similar way.

I believe that if composition is stated in the simultaneous style (compare: simultaneous substitution), then we need to build in finiteness at some point. In the single style, we might get away without it because single compositions are inherently finitary. The current definition uses the simultaneous style, which is maybe a desideratum; in type theory, simultaneous substitution is generally the preferred foundation.