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Substructures and quotients in the `Algebra.*` hierarchy #1899

Open jamesmckinna opened 1 year ago

jamesmckinna commented 1 year ago

The recent discussion in issue #1888 concerning the correct definition of Module drew my attention to the (almost?) complete (?) lack of any treatment of algebraic substructures, and the corresponding notions of 'things-which-give-rise-to-quotients':

together with the associated 'free' things, viz.

So this is (the beginnings of) a shopping list for the above, and some proposals for how to represent them.

A left- (resp. right-) ideal of a Ring R with Carrier given by A should be given by:


JacquesCarette commented 1 year ago

On the 'what else', Yasmine Sharoda's PhD Thesis has a nice list of things that are well-enough understood that our original plan was to generate them all. Eventually our code generated fewer of these (in Agda and in Lean). She mined a lot of universal algebra texts to find the most common constructions we should be looking at.

There's a lot of work to be still to be done to actually come up with a good shopping list, and even more work to find good definitions to actually use. The naive definitions in undergraduate textbooks tend to be flawed, and indeed one needs to look at category theory to find stable patterns (as already listed: terminal objects, initial objects, free objects -- but there are lots of very useful variations).

Being systematic 'by hand' would involve thousands of person-hours of work, and an unclear payoff. Having said that, clearly some of those constructions should be in stdlib. I'm not even quite sure how to approximate a decent middle ground!

jamesmckinna commented 1 year ago

Jacques, many thanks again for these pointers; this work deserves to be better known.

jamesmckinna commented 1 year ago

@JacquesCarette , replying to your comment on #1898 here (because the reply at least belongs here, i think):

where do you get that

is something well worth unpacking... ;-) if only towards the TODOs above...

I reasoned as follows ("we will study those things which, from time to time, arise as topics of interest"):

Once/If you accept such definitions, then the injection from I to A, in the case of ideals, needs to be (all, and only) the canonical homomorphism of A-modules extending h on generators (the proof that the generating types above do indeed admit the correct algebraic operations is part of the work that would need doing anyway, and amounts to the 'undergraduate textbook' exercises of the form "show that a subset such that ... forms an ideal" etc.)

Now, I think I would have been thinking along those lines even before the work on frex, but I'm more and more convinced (cf. the reengineering of Tactic.RingSolver etc.) by that work, that the ability to choose a distinct representation of (the underlying type of) a subset of an algebra (or related gadgets such as frexes) is crucial to making computationally, cognitively, and even mathematically, efficient definitions.

jamesmckinna commented 1 year ago

[moved from #1898] But your link to 'rings = monoid objects in (Ab , _⊗_ , I)' makes me wonder if the definition I gave above is in fact necessary and sufficient (I hope so!).

As for sieves, I'll wait until we have a decent account of Setoid-based rings, ideals and modules, before attempting any formalisation of EGA or SGA ;-)

But for sure, local rings (and Nagata's construction) are baby steps on the way to such things...

jamesmckinna commented 1 year ago

So, your comment about

a solid source we could rely on...

I think I would answer with Atiyah and MacDonald, Commutative Algebra (Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1969), Chapter 2 on "Modules":

So, perhaps by what may seem somewhat baroque revisionism, motivated by the above (to my mind) representational gain, my thinking is to 'turn a property into a definition'...

... my experience being, that this is something we habitually do in the course of the general programme of the explicitation of mathematics in theorem provers. Perhaps, even, of doing mathematics in general.

JacquesCarette commented 1 year ago

So I was going to reply, unhelpfully, that a textbook written in the classical style, even if by spectacular scholars, might not give quite the right definition -- mathematicians tend to expose things post-inlining of many definitions instead of generically. Then I remembered that right here in my office, I have a wonderful textbook "Post-Modern Algebra", where they redo Algebra from the point of view of our modern understanding instead of the usual socio-historical point of view.

It proceeds by defining the concept of a 'sink' for a semigroup as being a subset that is closed by multiplication under all elements of the semigroup. i.e. K is a sink in semigroup S if forall k:K s:S, ks : K and sk : K. Then a non-unital subring K of a ring S is an ideal if it is a sink in the semigroup (induced by) S.

In that book, modules are not introduced until a couple of sections later.

jamesmckinna commented 1 year ago

Interesting reference. Will try to follow-up when I (next) have time to read! Meanwhile, I'd be happy on a first PR to commit content on ideals and submodules, and 'work backwards' to the weaker structures later (assuming that's even a plausible way of working with the existing towers of abstractions.

Regarding the technical details of ideals and submodules, some pen-and-paper sketching suggests to me that the Fam-approach applies equally to either (or both), with the advantages I sketched regarding choice of representing/indexing type I; at least as far as (direct) sums (ideals; submodules) and (direct) products (submodules) go; intersections of ideals/submodules seems to require to use the appropriate subset type underlying the carrier of the algebra as indexing type, with projection as enumerator h. In each case, there is the multiplicative closure condition to check, but it seems to go through without difficulty. So perhaps exact sequences can wait for another time... ;-)

JacquesCarette commented 1 year ago

This reminds me that I really have to get the whole Fam v Pow approach sunk into my brain much more deeply. Right now, this requires active thinking, while it ought to be available to me at a much deeper level.

jamesmckinna commented 10 months ago

Another one to punt until after v2.0, I think ;-)