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Add `Algebra.Action.*` and friends #2350

Open jamesmckinna opened 2 months ago

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Fixes the first part of #2348 . Currently in DRAFT for preliminary feedback.


Issues (WON'T DOs):

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Note to self: 'tipped' lists and the adjunction preserving List as an initial algebra.

JacquesCarette commented 2 months ago

What's a 'tipped' list?

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

What's a 'tipped' list?

A datatype I first learnt of from Conor (possibly invented by him? In any case, early 2000s in Durham IIRC): it's analogous to List A, except that at nil you can store a value of some (other) type B (and various games one might play as to whether that type is existentially/universally quantified, or merely supplied as an additional parameter).

Ralf Hinze pointed out to me last week that one may easily show an isomorphism between that and (List A) * B because _ * B, having a right adjoint, preserves colimits/initial algebras...

... and there may (ought to!) be some relationship with the Minamide construction (POPL, 1998) in connection with tail recursion modulo constructors...

in any case, such a tipped list corresponds to a symbolic/'non-materialised' fold, and hence to the iterated monoid action (which materialises it!), generalising difference lists etc.

JacquesCarette commented 2 months ago

Aha, a 2-sorted pointed unar! Nice.

record 2PU (A B : Set) : Set where
    push : (a : A) -> 2PU -> 2PU
    point : (b : B) -> 2PU
JacquesCarette commented 2 months ago

Looked at the code itself right now: I expect that in Algebra.Construct.MonoidAction, all I will find are constructions of monoid actions. I did not expect to find the definition of the representation of an action to be in the same file. This belongs elsewhere.

I'm happy for the construction (at the end of the file) to stay where they are, but not so for the definition of the concepts themselves.

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

So... as to "belongs elsewhere"... : where do you propose exactly?

JacquesCarette commented 2 months ago

Algebra.Action.Monoid would not be bad at all. To be more forward look, maybe Algebra.Action.Bundles or something like it.

One could go crazy and do Algebra.MultiSorted.Action.Bundles but I think that's overkill, even if "not wrong".

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Re: your 2PU... I was more thinking

data TipList (A B : Set) : Set where
  [_] : A ->TipList A B
  _::_ : B -> TipList A B -> TipList A B

the record version is... the 'wrong' way round?

JacquesCarette commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I have "free theories" on the brain. Your TipList is the object part of the left adjoint to the forgetful functor from 2PU to Set x Set. (Urg, I hate how that sounds - I'm not a big fan of lathering on categorical lingo unless it actually enlightens.)

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I have "free theories" on the brain. Your TipList is the object part of the left adjoint to the forgetful functor from 2PU to Set x Set. (Urg, I hate how that sounds - I'm not a big fan of lathering on categorical lingo unless it actually enlightens.)

Thanks for the clarification! I think I had at least glimpsed that from my reference to direction... but I hadn't joined all the dots. And so, no need to apologise, the category theory is fine (and helpful ;-))!

MatthewDaggitt commented 2 months ago

Yes, I agree with @JacquesCarette. X.Construct modules are for building records found in X.Structures/Bundles.

I agree, splitting it into something like Algebra.Action.Bundles and Algebra.Action.RawBundles makes sense to me!

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Lots of helpful feedback @MatthewDaggitt thanks!

I'm undecided about Algebra.Action.Bundles vs Algebra.Action.Monoid, preferring the latter until we have more examples of the phenomenon?

As for Raw, I'm wondering if it's easier to start from a Func (M.setoid ×ₛ A) A, packaging the congruence data, and not introducing a new type for the sake of it...

MatthewDaggitt commented 2 months ago

I'm undecided about Algebra.Action.Bundles vs Algebra.Action.Monoid, preferring the latter until we have more examples of the phenomenon?

Can you have actions on Semigroup or Ring or other structures?

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

The classic example is "module" which is a Ring acting on an AbelianGroup... etc. or indeed Ring itself as a Monoid action on an AbelianGroup with the same underlying Setoid

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Temporarily defeated by the complexity of the refactoring... sigh. But nearly there!

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Currently the IsRaw* structures aren't really raw, but vanilla Setoid structures (with cong)... so further refactoring might be in order to tease those apart. But let's turn this over to review in the meantime?

UPDATED collapsed Raw back into Structures...

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Thanks very much to @JacquesCarette for the review comments. I've updated to partly 'streamline', and partly to leave hooks for downstream generalisation. Not convinced it's an overall improvement though!

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Given the trouble I've had thinking about this, no longer sure this is low-hanging-fruit...

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Recent commits:

TODO (?):

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

@JacquesCarette back now ready for review, but I dare say there'll be more to discuss!

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

I seem to be going round in circles redefining things repeatedly... DRY! Trying to fix this ...

... and need to rethink. Back to Draft...

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

@JacquesCarette back now ready for review, but I dare say there'll be more to discuss!

OK, I mean it this time...;-)

Highlights of the most recent refactoring:

Possible further work: NOW DONE

jamesmckinna commented 2 months ago

Thanks very much @JacquesCarette for the very detailed feedback! I think I'd be happy to leave to a subsequent refactoring the lifting out of the -act properties to a separate Algebra.Action.Definitions module, but I can start to see how that might go... and how that might help keep things straight when passing from one action to its iterated form...

jamesmckinna commented 1 month ago

Coda: @JacquesCarette did your allusion to NonEmpty lists mean that you also might want:

module SemigroupAction (M : Semigroup c ℓ) (A : Setoid a r) where


    open module M = Semigroup M using (_∙_; setoid)
    open module A = Setoid A using (_≈_)

  record Left (leftAction : SetoidAction.Left setoid A) : Set (a ⊔ r ⊔ c ⊔ ℓ)

    open SetoidAction.Left leftAction public

      ∙-act  : ∀ m n x → m ∙ n ▷ x ≈ m ▷ n ▷ x

(and: MagmaAction even!?) with MonoidAction being refactored to have a SemigroupAction subfield...?

jamesmckinna commented 1 month ago

I realised writing the last comment that my fixation on Monoid actions blinded me to the simpler structures, and with it, Krohn-Rhodes decomposition.

Separately, by weakening things even further down to MagmaAction, then we would get to observe that the additional generality afforded by actions, namely that associativity is not even an optional thing for these structures, because the ∙-act axiom essentially forces a version of associativity of the action map, even when/if the _∙_ structure itself is not associative...

... but, conversely/correspondingly, associativity is needed for the Algebra.Construct.Self actions...

jamesmckinna commented 1 month ago

I think it now looks a lot more tight, but please feel free to re-review @JacquesCarette and @Taneb : I've tried to honour the spirit of your most recent round of comments, so many thanks for the nudge(s) to do so.

Only thing left outstanding would be to factor out the Algebra.Action.Definitions, but that can happen later? Happy to do it now, for completeness's sake, if you think it would improve the overall contribution.

Have now done some experiments, and so have started to wonder if everything should be refactored so as to be parametrised on a (renamed) Boolean (L/R) so that all the Left/Right duplication can be avoided...?

... UPDATED: up to the fatal object/meta flaw, namely that record field names can't be parametrised on an internal value... sigh. Won't pursue this!

jamesmckinna commented 1 month ago

Converting back to DRAFT while I figure out:

JacquesCarette commented 1 month ago

I should reply to some specific comments: yes, definitely also including SemigroupAction and MagmaAction are things that I had in mind. MonoidAction as you subsequently discovered (and I discovered the hard way as well) is too special to offer sufficient insight into actions in general (the same is true of Monoid, and I've fallen into that trap too.)