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Restore missing proofs from `Algebra.Operations.CommutativeMonoid` #2420

Closed jamesmckinna closed 11 hours ago

jamesmckinna commented 6 days ago

Specifically L72-L87

-- Properties of _×′_

1+×′ : ∀ n x → suc n ×′ x ≈ x + n ×′ x
1+×′ 0       x = sym (+-identityʳ x)
1+×′ (suc n) x = refl

-- _×_ and _×′_ are extensionally equal (up to the setoid
-- equivalence).

×≈×′ : ∀ n x → n × x ≈ n ×′ x
×≈×′ 0       x = refl
×≈×′ (suc n) x = begin
  x + n × x   ≈⟨ +-congˡ (×≈×′ n x) ⟩
  x + n ×′ x  ≈⟨ sym (1+×′ n x) ⟩
  suc n ×′ x  ∎

which seem to have been omitted in the move over to Algebra.Properties.Monoid.Mult...? Or have I missed something somewhere?

NB. Commutativity is a red herring here!