agda / agda-stdlib

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searching in list #989

Open mechvel opened 4 years ago

mechvel commented 4 years ago

Searching in a list can be expressed via lib-1.2 as

search  :  ∀ {p} {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → (xs : List A) →
                                                (∃ (\x → P x)) ⊎ (¬ Any P xs)
search P? xs  with any P? xs
...    | yes anyP-xs =   inj₁ (satisfied anyP-xs)
...    | no ¬anyP-xs =   inj₂ ¬anyP-xs 

First, is there a ready function in lib-1.2 to express this? Second, it is more desirable to have (for a setoid)

search  :  ∀ {p} {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → (xs : List A) →
                                               (∃ (\x → x ∈ xs × P x)) ⊎ (¬ Any P xs)

Has lib-1.2 something for this?

gallais commented 4 years ago

∃ (\x → x ∈ xs × P x)) is essentially Any P xs as find demonstrates.

So you can get that by using any, then cast Dec to a sum using fromDec, and finally map over the first element of the sum using map₁.

mechvel commented 4 years ago

This latter search version is usable and more generic than find, and its implementation needs a wise additional combination of any, fromDec, map₁. So that it probably worth to add this search to the library.

gallais commented 4 years ago

In "Generic Level Polymorphic N-ary Functions", I have

decide : Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ Any P ∪ All Q ]

It seems to also be missing from the stdlib and would also be a fine way to implement this search via fromDec, find & All¬⇒¬Any.

jamesmckinna commented 2 weeks ago

In "Generic Level Polymorphic N-ary Functions", I have

decide : Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ Any P ∪ All Q ]

It seems to also be missing from the stdlib and would also be a fine way to implement this search via fromDec, find & All¬⇒¬Any.

decide was added in #1595 so you could in v2.1 define

module _ (P? : Decidable P) where

    helper : ∀ xs → All (∁ P) xs ⊎ Any P xs
    helper = All.decide (Sum.swap ∘ (Dec.toSum ∘ P?))

  search : ∀ xs → ¬ Any P xs ⊎ ∃ (\x → x ∈ xs × P x)
  search = All¬⇒¬Any find ∘ helper

But it's not clear (to me, at least) which, if any, of helper or search belongs in the library, by contrast with decide? Suggest closing this issue?

MatthewDaggitt commented 2 weeks ago

I wouldn't be against helper being added to Data.List.Relation.Unary.All. I feel we should avoid using \x → x ∈ xs × P x as much as possible so not too keen on search.

jamesmckinna commented 2 weeks ago

I wouldn't be against helper being added to Data.List.Relation.Unary.All. I feel we should avoid using \x → x ∈ xs × P x as much as possible so not too keen on search.

Should we call this function (ie: helper) search instead (it's the 'essence' of search in Underwood, Gent and Caldwell "Search Algorithms in type Theory" Theoretical Computer Science 232 (2000) 55–90), and client-side post-processing (as above) can fix up the types to deliver whatever a user such as @mechvel might want instead...?

mechvel commented 2 weeks ago

Concerning the essence of the subject (which I do not recall/understand now) , let the team decide, and then I would decide how to apply this. My deal is mainly to suggest an issue.

But there is a problem of the English language. My English is not enough to understand may be half of what jamesmckinna writes. I shall be grateful to people if they put sentences somehow in a simpler way.

jamesmckinna commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Sergei for the reminder to try to write in simpler language!

mechvel commented 2 weeks ago

I somehow exaggerated this (a new word for me). At least this latter fragment of

and client-side post-processing (as above) can fix up the types to deliver whatever a user such as @mechvel might want instead...?

remains totally enigmatic for me. ( Anyway I do not need to solve this particular sentence, because the team would make a decision, and then I would see what to do with it).

jamesmckinna commented 2 weeks ago

Apologies ;again) for having been enigmatic!

My intention was to contrast

Excessive jargon, and writing in too much haste on my phone, got in the way this time!