Closed Oinkium closed 7 years ago
The internal error is clearly a bug, but it's worth noting that the example as written is not type correct. Here's what you can get away with proving (which doesn't trigger the internal error):
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_; refl; cong)
open import Data.Fin
using (Fin; toℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat
using (ℕ; zero; suc)
suc-injective : ∀ {m n} → ℕ.suc m ≡ suc n → m ≡ n
suc-injective refl = refl
toℕ-injective : ∀ {n} {a b : Fin n} → toℕ a ≡ toℕ b → a ≡ b
toℕ-injective {n} {zero} {zero} _ = refl
toℕ-injective {n} {zero} {suc b} ()
toℕ-injective {n} {suc a} {zero} ()
toℕ-injective {n} {suc a} {suc b} p = cong suc (toℕ-injective (suc-injective p))
Here's a simplified example that exhibits the problem:
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
data Fin : Nat → Set where
zero : ∀ {n} → Fin (suc n)
T : Nat → Set
mkT : ∀ {n} → T n
toNat : ∀ {n} → Fin n → Nat
toNat-injective : ∀ {X Y} a → T (toNat a)
toNat-injective zero = mkT
It looks like a problem with mvPermutation
s triggered at Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Unify.hs:765. Not sure if the permutation is wrong or the unifier is making incorrect assumptions.
Checks fine with, must be a regression introduced in 2.5.
It seems that the function permuteTel
in Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
is buggy.
permuteTel :: Permutation -> Telescope -> Telescope
permuteTel perm tel =
let names = permute perm $ teleNames tel
types = permute perm $ renameP __IMPOSSIBLE__ perm $ flattenTel tel
in unflattenTel names types
Correct is renameP __IMPOSSIBLE__ (flipP perm)
, to turn the de Bruijn levels of perm
into de Bruijn indices for the substitution. Here is the analysis:
tel = (A : Set) (X : _18 A) (i : Fin (_m_23 A X))
tel (de Bruijn) = 2:Set, 1:_18 @0, 0:Fin(_m_23 @1 @0)
flattenTel tel = 2:Set, 1:_18 @0, 0:Fin(_m_23 @1 @0) |- [ Set, _18 @2, Fin (_m_23 @2 @1) ]
perm = 0,1,2 -> 0,1 (picks the first two)
renaming _ perm = [var 0, var 1, error] -- THE WRONG RENAMING!
renaming _ (flipP perm) = [error, var 1, var 0] -- The correct renaming!
apply to flattened tel = ... |- [ Set, _18 @1, Fin (_m_23 @1 @0) ]
permute perm it = ... |- [ Set, _18 @1 ]
unflatten (de Bruijn) = 1:Set, 0: _18 @0
unflatten = (A : Set) (X : _18 A)
@asr: could this be included in 2.5.2?
@asr: could this be included in 2.5.2?
Done in 1c2a4ee12cc9b0bf72f0cfec9b056a867ad9f7a.
When type-checking some AGDA code the other day, I got the following message:
Type-checking the following code reproduces the bug: