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Equality is incompatible with sized types #2820

Open andreasabel opened 6 years ago

andreasabel commented 6 years ago
open import Size
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.TrustMe

data ⊥ : Set where

data SizeLt (i : Size) : Set where
  [_] : (j : Size< i) → SizeLt i

module OneSize where 

  eq! : ∀ (i j : Size) → i ≡ j
  eq! _ _ = trustMe

  cast : ∀ i j → SizeLt i → SizeLt j
  cast i j = subst SizeLt (eq! i j)

  foo : ∀ i → SizeLt i → ⊥
  foo i [ j ] = foo j (cast i j [ j ])

  test : ⊥
  test = foo ∞ [ ∞ ]

The term test is looping.

Saizan commented 6 years ago

Without using trustMe, but proofs of equality to \infty instead.

open import Size
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

data ⊥ : Set where

data SizeLt (i : Size) : Set where
  [_] : (j : Size< i) → SizeLt i

get : ∀ {i} → SizeLt i → Size
get [ j ] = j

module OneSize where

  eq! : ∀ (i j : Size) → i ≡ ∞ → j ≡ ∞ → i ≡ j
  eq! _ _ refl refl = refl

  cast : ∀ i j → i ≡ ∞ → j ≡ ∞ → SizeLt i → SizeLt j
  cast i j i∞ j∞ = subst SizeLt (eq! i j i∞ j∞)

  cast-∞ : ∀ i (j : SizeLt i)
           (i∞ : i ≡ ∞) (j∞ : get j ≡ ∞) →
            get (cast i (get j) i∞ j∞ j) ≡ ∞
  cast-∞ _ [ _ ] refl refl = refl

  foo : ∀ i → (j : SizeLt i) → i ≡ ∞ → get j ≡ ∞ → ⊥
  foo i [ j ] i∞ j∞ = foo j
                          (cast i j i∞ j∞ [ j ])
                          (cast-∞ i [ j ] i∞ j∞)

  test : ⊥
  test = foo ∞ [ ∞ ] refl refl
andreasabel commented 6 years ago

And the slightly dubious get function... Is this related to #1428?

Saizan commented 6 years ago

Isn't ∞ : Size< ∞ the most dubious part here? :)

Saizan commented 6 years ago

Without using the get function:

open import Size
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

data ⊥ : Set where

data SizeLt∞ (i : Size) : Set where
  [_,_] : (j : Size< i) → j ≡ ∞ → SizeLt∞ i

module OneSize where

  cast : ∀ i j → i ≡ ∞ → j ≡ ∞ → SizeLt∞ i → SizeLt∞ j
  cast i j refl refl [ k , eq ] = [ k , eq ]

  foo : ∀ i → (j : SizeLt∞ i) → i ≡ ∞ → ⊥
  foo i [ j , j∞ ] i∞ = foo j (cast i j i∞ j∞ [ j , j∞ ]) j∞

  test : ⊥
  test = foo ∞ [ ∞ , refl ] refl
UlfNorell commented 6 years ago

Time to bring back the size universe?

andreasabel commented 6 years ago

The trouble with SizeUniv was that since the introduction of universe polymorphism much of the sort machinery relies on the fact that we have a linear hierarchy of sorts. This needs to be refactored properly to accommodate other PTSs than {Set i | i in Nat}.

UlfNorell commented 6 years ago

Without standard library

open import Agda.Builtin.Size renaming (ω to ∞)
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality

data ⊥ : Set where

data SizeLt∞ (i : Size) : Set where
  [_,_] : (j : Size< i) → j ≡ ∞ → SizeLt∞ i

cast : ∀ i j → i ≡ ∞ → j ≡ ∞ → SizeLt∞ i → SizeLt∞ j
cast i j refl refl [ k , eq ] = [ k , eq ]

foo : ∀ i → (j : SizeLt∞ i) → i ≡ ∞ → ⊥
foo i [ j , j∞ ] i∞ = foo j (cast i j i∞ j∞ [ j , j∞ ]) j∞

test : ⊥
test = foo ∞ [ ∞ , refl ] refl
nad commented 6 years ago

And the slightly dubious get function...

Is the following code not supposed to work?

-- Size elimination

-- A trick is used to implement size elimination. This trick was
-- suggested to me by Andrea Vezzosi.

-- A data type wrapping Size<_.
-- If this wrapper is removed from the definition of elim below, then
-- that definition is rejected.

data [Size<_] (i : Size) : Set where
  box : Size< i → [Size< i ]

-- A projection.

unbox : ∀ {i} → [Size< i ] → Size< i
unbox (box j) = j

-- Size elimination.

elim :
  ∀ {p}
  (P : Size → Set p) →
  (∀ i → ((j : [Size< i ]) → P (unbox j)) → P i) →
  ∀ i → P i
elim P f i = f i λ { (box j) → elim P f j }
nad commented 6 years ago

The fact that ∞ : Size< ∞ seems to be problematic. Is this a fundamental problem, or can the problem be contained by, say, letting sizes live in a separate universe (so that we cannot talk about equality of sizes, for instance)?

Saizan commented 6 years ago

Avoiding equality of sizes does not seem to be enough, though if we would only allow irrelevant size quantification in datatypes it might. (Personally I'd rather get rid of ∞ : Size< ∞ ! But it's not like I have a design ready either)

open import Agda.Builtin.Size renaming (ω to ∞)
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality

record Σ (A : Set) (B : A → Set) : Set where
  constructor _,_
    fst : A
    snd : B fst                                                                                                                    

data ⊥ : Set where

data Nat (i : Size) : Set where
  zero : ∀ (j : Size< i) → Nat i
  suc : ∀ (j : Size< i) → Nat j → Nat i

data SizeLt (i : Size) : Set where
  [_] : (j : Size< i) → SizeLt i

SizeLt∞ : (i : Size) → Set
SizeLt∞ i = Σ (SizeLt i) \ { [ j ] → zero j ≡ zero ∞ }

Type : Size → Nat ∞ → Set
Type i (zero j) = SizeLt∞ i → SizeLt∞ j
Type i (suc j _) = SizeLt∞ i → SizeLt∞ j

cast : ∀ i (n : Nat ∞) → n ≡ zero ∞ → Type i n
cast i .(zero ∞) refl ([ k ] , eq) = [ k ] , eq

foo : ∀ i → (j : SizeLt∞ i) → ⊥
foo i ([ j ] , j∞) = foo j (cast i (zero j) j∞ ([ j ] , j∞))

test : ⊥
test = foo ∞ ([ ∞ ] , refl)
nad commented 6 years ago

Andreas and I briefly discussed removing ∞ : Size< ∞ the other day. As I recall the main problem is that the force projection would no longer have type D′ ∞ → D ∞. (For a typical coinductive definition involving a data type D and a coinductive record type D′ with a field force : {j : Size< i} → D j.)

nad commented 6 years ago

One way to think about sized types, that might not be entirely compatible with the current implementation, is that there are two kinds of definitions: those that have (possibly) not been completed yet (of size i), and completed definitions (of size ). Once a definition has been completed it should be fine to ignore all sizes, and it should also be fine to turn a completed definition into a potentially incomplete one.

nad commented 6 years ago

As I recall the main problem is that the force projection would no longer have type D′ ∞ → D ∞.

I guess it would help if the isomorphism between D′ ∞ and D′ (ssuc ∞) was available to the programmer in some way.

jespercockx commented 5 years ago

I see two options here to go forward:

nad commented 5 years ago

Would a size universe fix all problems with ∞ < ∞?

nad commented 5 years ago

@Saizan suggested the following approach: Get rid of ∞ < ∞, but support it via special typing rules for certain projections/constructors for which it makes sense (like the typical construction with a force projection, but perhaps not the Thunk type used by the standard library).

@Saizan, could you define more explicitly what "makes sense" means?

jespercockx commented 5 years ago

Would a size universe fix all problems with ∞ < ∞?

I don't think so.

Saizan commented 5 years ago

@nad here's a first approximation.

We should recognize for which sized types we have F ∞ = F (∞ +1) so that we can "downcast" as needed.

Typically it would be (co)inductive record/data types that follow the usual pattern of having recursive occurrences at a smaller size. We should implement some checker for this, possibly quite close to the one that enables size subtyping.

Then e.g. for a typical coinductive type

  data D (i : Size) : Set where
     con : (x : S) -> (P x -> R i) -> D i
  record R (i : Size) : Set where
     force : (j : Size< i) -> D j

We would have to also allow force {∞} : R ∞ -> (j : Size< (∞ +1)) -> D j

Dually for constructors

  data W (i : Size) : Set where
     sup : (j : Size< i) (x : S) -> (P x -> W j) -> W i

we also have sup {∞} : (j : Size< (∞ +1)) -> (x : S) -> (P x -> W j) -> W ∞.

The way this is specified in the ICFP13 paper is to use "bound normalization": a meta operation "bnm(s)" such that bnm(s) = ∞ +1 whenever s = ∞ or higher, and otherwise just s. Then have the following typing rule

sup {s} : (j : Size< bnm(s)) -> (x : S) -> (P x -> W j) -> W s
nad commented 5 years ago

I think you inadvertently used too much shadowing in the rule.

Should this typing rule be used everywhere, both in patterns and in expressions?

Saizan commented 5 years ago

Fixed the shadowing.

Yes, it should be used both in patterns and in expressions.

There's still a mismatch with the ICFP13 paper, because of the difference between \forall, \exists and \Pi, \Sigma. I wonder if that's exploitable.

nad commented 5 years ago

Could you be a little more explicit about this mismatch?

Saizan commented 5 years ago

In Agda we can project the j out of a Nat i like so

data Nat (i : Size) : Set where
  zero : (j : Size< i) → Nat i
  suc : (j : Size< i) → Nat j → Nat i

f : ∀ {i} → Nat i → Size
f (zero j  ) = j
f (suc  j _) = j

which is not possible in the ICFP13 paper, because it's an extension of System F and Size is just a kind. In turn quantification over sizes is modeled by union/intersection and I believe this is necessary to reach a fixpoint.

The above is in line with the fact that those (j : Size< i) -> ... should be irrelevant quantifications, and Nat should be shape-irrelevant.

nad commented 5 years ago

Does coinduction have similar (potential) problems?

I guess the definition of f could be prevented through the use of a special size universe.

Is shape-irrelevance well-understood now?

nad commented 5 years ago

I discussed this with @Saizan now, and he mentioned that bnm does not commute with substitution. This makes me wonder whether this construction breaks subject reduction. @andreasabel?

jespercockx commented 5 years ago

I guess nothing will happen with the sized types situation before the release, which is unfortunate but understandable because:

  1. We have a lot of other new features that are ready to be released
  2. The current situation is not any worse than with the previous releases

So I will just bump this and other sized-types issues to the next release. Hopefully we'll get a fix soon...

JLimperg commented 5 years ago

For the record: Getting rid of ∞ < ∞ is not enough since it also follows from ∞ = ∞ + 1 together with i < i + 1.

module _ where

open import Size
open import Induction.WellFounded

data _<_ : Size → Size → Set where
  gt : ∀ (i : Size) (j : Size< i) → j < i

<-suc : (i : Size) → i < (↑ i)
<-suc i = gt (↑ i) i

∞<∞ : ∞ < ∞
∞<∞ = <-suc ∞

-- The rest of the proof is from #3026

data ⊥ : Set where

<-wf : WellFounded _<_
<-wf i = acc (go i)
    go : ∀ (i j : Size) → (j < i) → Acc _<_ j
    go i j (gt .i j') = <-wf j

acc-∞ : Acc _<_ ∞
acc-∞ = <-wf ∞

foo : Acc _<_ ∞ → ⊥
foo (acc a) = foo (a ∞ ∞<∞)

bad : ⊥
bad = foo acc-∞
Saizan commented 5 years ago

Right, what's actually possibly sound is that Nat ∞ = Nat (∞ + 1), though that might still be problematic.

JLimperg commented 5 years ago

Afaict, the question of when it's safe to instantiate a size variable with ∞ is already discussed in Hughes' original paper, Sec. 3.7. I don't yet understand the details, but we may find inspiration there.

JoeyEremondi commented 4 years ago

Just to make sure I'm understanding what's going on here, does this mean that --sized makes Agda inconsistent even with --safe enabled? I knew that it was incompatible with guardedness but this is new to me.

JLimperg commented 4 years ago

As of 2.6.1, the proof of False given above compiles with {-# OPTIONS --safe --sized #-}. This looks like a --safe bug to me.

nad commented 4 years ago

Yes, one could argue that --safe is broken due to this problem. We could fix it by not allowing --sized-types when --safe is active, but this would break quite a bit of code. It might be better to fix this issue (even if the fix also breaks code).

Contributions are welcome!

JLimperg commented 4 years ago

It would certainly be nice if this issue could be fixed, but I don't see that happening quickly. It's a problem with the axioms (i.e. not just a technicality), has been known for years, and despite some efforts from various people, there's no clear plan for fixing it. (If I had an idea, I'd gladly implement it.)

In the meantime, I would advocate for updating --safe and especially the docs (which afair don't mention this issue). The resulting breakage can be fixed by removing --safe from affected projects, which reflects the reality of the situation -- sized types are currently unsafe. Anything else is imo not a good look for the safe fragment of a theorem prover.

nad commented 4 years ago

I don't think we should disable --sized-types in safe mode until #3118 has been fixed.

Saizan commented 4 years ago

@JLimperg what do you think of the design I sketched above, based on the ICFP13 paper? i.e. getting rid of oo < oo and oo + 1 = oo and instead rely on the typing with bnm(_) for constructors.

nad commented 4 years ago

I'd just like to note that the problems are not restricted to Size<_. Here is a variant of the example that @JLimperg posted above:

{-# OPTIONS --safe --sized-types #-}

open import Agda.Builtin.Size
open import Induction.WellFounded

data _<_ : Size → Size → Set where
  <-suc : (i : Size) → i < (↑ i)

∞<∞ : ∞ < ∞
∞<∞ = <-suc ∞

data ⊥ : Set where

<-wf : WellFounded _<_
<-wf i = acc λ { j (<-suc .j) → <-wf j }

acc-∞ : Acc _<_ ∞
acc-∞ = <-wf ∞

¬-acc-∞ : Acc _<_ ∞ → ⊥
¬-acc-∞ (acc a) = ¬-acc-∞ (a ∞ ∞<∞)

bad : ⊥
bad = ¬-acc-∞ acc-∞
andreasabel commented 3 years ago

Here is a variant of that uses Size< as a set and ↑∞ = ∞:

open import Agda.Builtin.Size

data _<_ : Size → Size → Set where
  gt : ∀ (i : Size) (j : Size< i) → j < i

∞<↑∞ : ∞ < (↑ ∞)
∞<↑∞ = gt (↑ ∞) ∞

data ⊥ : Set where

data Acc (i : Size) : Set where
  acc : (∀ j → j < i → Acc j) → Acc i

<-wf : ∀ (i j : Size) → j < i → Acc j
<-wf i j (gt .i .j) = acc (<-wf j)  -- By unification, we get j : Size< i

acc-∞ : Acc ∞
acc-∞ = <-wf (↑ ∞) ∞ ∞<↑∞

∞<∞ : ∞ < ∞
∞<∞ = ∞<↑∞  -- Uses ↑∞ = ∞ (or, equivalently, ∞ < ∞)

foo : Acc ∞ → ⊥
foo (acc f) = foo (f ∞ ∞<∞)  -- Structural recursion, does not use sized types.

bad : ⊥
bad = foo acc-∞

Besides ∞ < ∞, the questionable parts are the definition of data type _<_ and pattern matching on it in <-wf. Concerning the second of these: the termination checker needs to more carefully establish that there is always a witness for j < i. Usually, this comes from matching on something inductive or comatching on something coinductive whose size is i (and the size of the respective substructures is j).

Note that this simplification is rejected by the termination checker:

  data Acc (i : Size) : Set where
    acc : (∀ (j : Size< i) → Acc j) → Acc i

  <-wf : ∀ i (j : Size< i) → Acc j
  <-wf i j = acc (<-wf j)

Thus, the wrapping of Size< into a data type successfully fools the termination checker.

(Note sure about this: One could also blame the unifier that it refines the type Size of j to Size< i without warning the termination checker.)