agda / agda

Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.
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A flag for "Simple Agda"? #7006

Open jespercockx opened 8 months ago

jespercockx commented 8 months ago

This Mastodon post by William Bowman gave me the idea that it could be nice to have a flag for "Simple Agda" which disables all of the advanced syntax and type features that might be confusing to people just learning Agda. This would emphatically not be aimed at serious "power users" of Agda but rather at people who use Agda to learn more about type theory.

Here are some things the flag could do:

gallais commented 8 months ago

These look like linting rules to me. Could it be implemented as a standalone program using the Agda parser as a library?

jespercockx commented 8 months ago

Two more proposals by David Thrane Christiansen on Mastodon:

jespercockx commented 8 months ago

These look like linting rules to me. Could it be implemented as a standalone program using the Agda parser as a library?

I suppose they could, though it would be nice if there was some way to plug this into Agda's interactive mode so you can get the warnings/errors right in your editor when you load the file.

andreasabel commented 8 months ago
  • Disable named implicit arguments (i.e. only allow passing them by position)

Or rather: disable positional implicit arguments (only allow passing them by name). šŸ˜œ

jespercockx commented 8 months ago

Or rather: disable positional implicit arguments (only allow passing them by name). šŸ˜œ

I see a lot of newcomers getting confused by the {x = x} syntax, so I'm not sure if that would be a good idea.

pigworker commented 8 months ago

Copatterns make Agda simpler! The notation should be extended! The assumption that we only ever do a bunch of left stuff then a bunch of right stuff has been problematic forever. With does something about that but not enough. Copatterns do something about that but not enough. Mutter mutter sequent calculus not natural deduction.

jespercockx commented 7 months ago

These look like linting rules to me. Could it be implemented as a standalone program using the Agda parser as a library?

See also

jespercockx commented 7 months ago

Copatterns make Agda simpler! The notation should be extended! The assumption that we only ever do a bunch of left stuff then a bunch of right stuff has been problematic forever. With does something about that but not enough. Copatterns do something about that but not enough. Mutter mutter sequent calculus not natural deduction.

They do, but they are still one of the most common points that people ask about / are confused about when coming from Haskell. Since they are not part of MLTT and not common in other languages, I think we should perhaps be pragmatic.

pigworker commented 7 months ago

It will not surprise you at all that I think people coming from Haskell should not be overly indulged. I think our entire community has suffered from Haskell drag, making things more awkward in order to be less scary. "simple" should not be code for "reinforcing of the old misconceptions".

jwaldmann commented 7 months ago

... making things more awkward in order to be less scary.

I (coming from Haskell, mostly) am genuinely interested in examples of such "things" so I can recognize them, and avoid them - when writing, or teaching, Agda.

pigworker commented 7 months ago

Let's start with data types. They're generative, and they don't have first class descriptions: you can't compute a data type, e.g., by differentiating another one. Worse, we lose the power to program when we're saying which data might exist, which is a pity, as we have so much information (the indices of the data type) to program with. The data type notation has just bumbled along the same way functional languages have always done it.

A particular consequence of this absence of first class computable data type descriptions is that we struggle to achieive "found" functoriality, traversability, etc. You can't point out that a particular unparametrized data type is, in fact, functorial in some of the stuff it packs up. People do outrageous type class programming to sort of bully GHC into walking through a Foo frobbing all the Bars, instead of saying "by the way, Foo is Blah[Bar/X]; traverse the Blah".

xekoukou commented 7 months ago

We should not use datatypes. I dont know how. Maybe make them private and force people to create records of their structure and properties?

jamesmckinna commented 7 months ago

It's a separate thread, but (a long time ago) a blog post by Frank Atanassow (TODO: find article maybe on LtU?) was very critical of the turn towards dependent types in programming, precisely because of the 'inevitability' of exposing too much structure/implementation via pattern-matching, and thus the encouragement to violate abstraction (barriers).

I think 'we' still haven't (pace the desire for a 'simple Agda') developed a good way to cash out the old-skool signature/structure distinction for dependently-typed APIs, precisely because we end up... having to reify definitional equalities in implementation with propositional/setoid ones in specification (just as SML, at least as far as teaching it was concerned, got stymied by sharing constraints), and despite interesting work by Magaud and Bertot at the beginning of this century on that problem (and perhaps, the idiomatic use of views for representation change, modulo --with-K... how does that go down with the students?), I think there's still a long way to go. But very happy to be pointed at more recent work if it is out there!

jespercockx commented 7 months ago

I think 'we' still haven't (pace the desire for a 'simple Agda') developed a good way to cash out the old-skool signature/structure distinction for dependently-typed APIs

I agree that this is still an open problem, opaque is the most recent attempt at tackling it. But the holy grail of being able to abstract over definitional equalities is still a way off.