agda / agda

Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.
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Forcing translation prevents reduction within function definition #7181

Closed szumixie closed 2 months ago

szumixie commented 3 months ago

When forcing is enabled, if a dot pattern becomes undotted after the forcing translation, it can prevent the reduction of subsequent clauses that don't match on the dotted argument. The problem only occurs within the function definition the dot pattern is in, it reduces as expected outside the definition.

The problem can be encountered when using copatterns:

open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat

data D : Nat → Set where
  c1 : (x : Nat) → D (suc x) -- error disappears if (suc x) is replaced by zero or (x + x)
  c2 : (x : Nat) → D x

f : (x : Nat) → D x → Σ Set (λ A → A)

fst (f .(suc x) (c1 x)) = Nat
snd (f .(suc x) (c1 x)) = zero

fst (f .x (c2 x)) = Nat
snd (f .x (c2 x)) = zero -- error

-- Nat !=< fst (f x (c2 x))
-- when checking that the expression zero has type fst (f x (c2 x))

g : (x : Nat) → fst (f x (c2 x)) -- reduces outside the function definition
g x = zero -- no error

indexed induction-recursion:

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat

postulate P : Nat → Set

data U : Nat → Set
El : (x : Nat) → U x → Set

data U where
  c1 : (x : Nat) → U (suc x)
  c2 : (x : Nat) → U x
  c3 : (x : Nat) → El x (c2 x) → U x

El .(suc x) (c1 x)   = Nat
El .x       (c2 x)   = Nat
El .x       (c3 x y) = P y -- error

-- (El x (c2 x)) !=< Nat
-- when checking that the expression y has type Nat

or induction-induction:

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat

data D1 : Nat → Set
data D2 : (x : Nat) → D1 x → Set

data D1 where
  c1 : (x : Nat) → D1 (suc x)
  c2 : (x : Nat) → D1 x
  c3 : (x : Nat) → D2 x (c2 x) → D1 x

data D2 where
  c4 : (x : Nat) → D2 x (c2 x)

module _
  (P1 : Nat → Set)
  (P2 : (x : Nat) → P1 x → Set)
  (p1 : (x : Nat) → P1 (suc x))
  (p2 : (x : Nat) → P1 x)
  (p3 : (x : Nat) → P2 x (p2 x) → P1 x)
  (p4 : (x : Nat) → P2 x (p2 x))

  rec1 : (x : Nat) → D1 x → P1 x
  rec2 : (x : Nat) (d1 : D1 x) → D2 x d1 → P2 x (rec1 x d1)

  rec1 .(suc x) (c1 x)    = p1 x
  rec1 .x       (c2 x)    = p2 x
  rec1 .x       (c3 x d2) = p3 x (rec2 x (c2 x) d2) -- error

  rec2 .x .(c2 x) (c4 x) = p4 x

  -- rec1 x (c2 x) != p2 x of type P1 x
  -- when checking that the expression rec2 x (c2 x) d2 has type
  -- P2 x (p2 x)
szumixie commented 3 months ago

This is a regression introduced in 0539818a58dd049ccb2ede79ed304bc669fa1bf2.