agda / agda

Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.
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`ModuleDoesntExport` has imprecise deadcode highlighting #7202

Closed andreasabel closed 3 months ago

andreasabel commented 3 months ago

With standard library v2.0:

open import Data.Bool.Properties  public using (∨-∧-isBooleanAlgebra)
open import Algebra.Lattice.Structures public using
  ( module IsBooleanAlgebra
open IsBooleanAlgebra ∨-∧-isBooleanAlgebra public using
  ( ∧-cong; ∧-comm; ∧-assoc
  ; ∨-cong; ∨-comm; ∨-assoc
  ; ∨-∧-distribʳ
  ; isDistributiveLattice
warning: -W[no]ModuleDoesntExport
The module _ doesn't export the following:

The highlighting is imprecise:

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 20 16 22

Should only highlight the name that isn't exported.