agda / agda

Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.
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Overhaul dead code elimination, make --save-metas the default #7248

Open AndrasKovacs opened 1 month ago

AndrasKovacs commented 1 month ago

Dead code elimination now does the following:

Moreover, --save-metas is now made default. Reasons for doing so:

In short there's a significant performance win in std-lib and an insignificant loss in cubical. I'd consider the interface size diffs to be also insignificant.

Right now, part of the small impact of --save-metas is that all definition bodies are instantiateFull-ed by elaboration in Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Def. So far, I think that the following metas can survive elaboration: those in function clause LHS-es, rewrite rules, display forms, module parameter sections, and some metas in definitions bodies, those that become solved later by elaborating other things in a mutual group.

AndrasKovacs commented 3 weeks ago

@plt-amy I'd like to benchmark this on 1lab, what's the best way? I asked this from you before but I don't find where I did.

plt-amy commented 3 weeks ago

You can do env AGDA=/what/ever AGDAFLAGS='whatever' bash support/

AndrasKovacs commented 3 weeks ago

More or less as expected, we OOM on 1lab.HIT.Truncation as described in #7231.

plt-amy commented 3 weeks ago

To summarize the discussion there/our findings from the AIM, the issue is essentially that keeping around the telescopes for solved (primarily instance) metas in macros leads to quadratic duplication of intermediate results:

foo : {{ _ : Class }} → TC ⊤

test : TC ⊤
test = do
  x ← something -- imagine it produces a very big result
  foo {{ ?inst ... x }}

After evaluating something and bindTC, we're looking at foo {{ ?inst ... [very big result ] }}, and this result is further duplicated in every bind that happens after something. I think this doesn't usually matter, but if something has to traverse the term (like addContext, for the escape check), it's explosive.

AndrasKovacs commented 3 weeks ago


plt-amy commented 3 weeks ago

AIUI the problem isn't in the generated terms, but rather in the macros themselves — the duplicated intermediate results are present in meta telescopes in suspended computations (after using e.g. blockTC), and the results of TC computations. As for the actual root cause, I can't say: the uninstantiated term is ~5× bigger (printed) than the instantiated term, but we didn't perform any investigation other than "instantiateFull fixes it" (and looking for ⦃ ... ⦄ and going "huh, that shouldn't be there").

(Of course, #7231 should be updated to normalise the intermediate result, since otherwise you get false positives for local variables that would evaluate away; this is unrelated, but also fixes the OOM).