agda / agda

Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.
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TBT: Bug in size preservation regarding local definitions #7271

Open andreasabel opened 1 month ago

andreasabel commented 1 month ago

TBT accepts a non-productive definition, which we can exploit to make the Agda loop:

{-# OPTIONS --type-based-termination #-}
{-# OPTIONS --size-preservation #-} -- default

-- {-# OPTIONS -v term.tbt:50 #-}

record U : Set where
  field force : U
open U

-- This is not size-preserving, but classified as such:
id : U → U
id u = u' .force where u' = u

-- This should not be accepted:
u : U
u .force = id u

open import Agda.Builtin.Equality

-- Type checker loops:
diverge : u .force ≡ u .force
diverge = refl

ATTN: @knisht

andreasabel commented 1 month ago

This exploit also works for inductive types:

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat

f : Nat → Nat
f x = x' where x' = suc (suc x)

diverge : Nat → Nat
diverge zero = zero
diverge (suc n) = diverge (f n)

Accepted by TBT.

andreasabel commented 1 month ago


I did finally manage to show the current size-preservation analysis inconsistent:

{-# OPTIONS --type-based-termination #-}

data ⊥ : Set where

record _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
    fst : A
    snd : B
open _×_

record U : Set where
  coinductive; constructor delay
  field force : U × ⊥
open U

f : U → U × ⊥
f u = u' .force where u' = u

u : U
u .force = f u

absurd : ⊥
absurd = u .force .snd

TBT accepts f as size-preserving yet it is not.

andreasabel commented 1 month ago

The use of with is (expectedly) also affected, you can swap f for this implementation:

f : U → U × ⊥
f u with u
... | u' = u' .force
knisht commented 2 days ago

Postmortem: I had an optimisation where I did not record constraints of the form i ≤ ∞. Seems reasonable, but if i is a contravariant size variable, then the constraint should be reversed, and it starts making sense.