agda / agda2hs

Compiling Agda code to readable Haskell
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Newtype constructor erroneously removed #320

Open bwbush opened 5 months ago

bwbush commented 5 months ago


record Hash (a : Set) : Set where
  constructor MakeHash
  field hashBytes : ByteString
open Hash public
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS Hash newtype deriving (Generic, Show) #-}

  iMaybeHashable : ⦃ i : Hashable a ⦄ → Hashable (Maybe a)
  iMaybeHashable {{_}} .hash Nothing = MakeHash (hashBytes (hash iUnitHashable tt))
  iMaybeHashable {{i}} .hash (Just x) = MakeHash (hashBytes (hash iPairHashable (tt , x)))
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS iMaybeHashable #-}

becomes Haskell

newtype Hash a = MakeHash{hashBytes :: ByteString}
                   deriving (Generic, Show)

instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (Maybe a) where
    hash Nothing = hash ()
    hash (Just x) = hash ((), x)

even though MakeHash . hashBytes != id since in this case we had MakeHash :: ByteString -> Maybe a but hashBytes :: () -> ByteString etc.

jespercockx commented 4 months ago

So the problem here seems to be that Agda itself eta-contracts MakeHask (hashBytes x) to x, even when the parameters of the constructor and the projection are different, possibly caused by I'm not sure if there is much we can do to fix this on the agda2hs side. As a workaround, you could add a no-eta-equality clause to the record definition, which should be enough to stop Agda from eta-contracting.

jespercockx commented 3 months ago

Perhaps we should just enforce that records that are compiled to Haskell data types always have eta-equality disabled.