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Develop theory of additive/abelian categories #675

Open barrettj12 opened 2 years ago

barrettj12 commented 2 years ago

In #672, I defined (pre)additive and (pre)abelian categories. I've essentially only defined enough to formalise the construction in arxiv:2103.08379 (see #674), so there is a lot of important theory still to be formalised. I'd particularly like to see:

mzhang28 commented 4 weeks ago

I have started some work on the definition of exact sequences and the proof of the five lemma. Has there been any progress on this issue? Hope I'm not stepping over someone else's work

felixwellen commented 4 weeks ago

This is the last thing Jordan worked on: Unfortunately, I didn't get to finish this draft PR, after Jordan stopped (he has stopped years ago - you are definitely not stepping on someones toes). Maybe you can make use of the draft PR?