agebrock / reverse-tunnel-ssh

Easy reverse tunnel
MIT License
42 stars 12 forks source link

Cannot connect #7

Open brolly759 opened 6 years ago

brolly759 commented 6 years ago

I keep getting "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" when trying to connect to the device. I get verification the tunnel has been created but I cannot seem to login. Here is the code on the node I want to connect too:

`var tunnel = require('reverse-tunnel-ssh');

// This is a very handy way to test your next webhook !

// Please set up your /etc/hosts or change the hostname befor // running the example.

var config = { host: 'xx.xx.xx.x', username: 'root', password: 'some_pass', dstHost: '', // bind to all interfaces (see hint in the readme) dstPort: 1987, //srcHost: '', // default //srcPort: dstPort // default is the same as dstPort }

tunnel(config, function(error, clientConnection) { console.log(clientConnection._forwarding); });

require('http').createServer(function(res, res){ res.end('SSH-TUNNEL: Gate to heaven !'); }).listen(config.dstPort);

console.log('Tunnel created: http://'':'+config.dstPort);`

brolly759 commented 6 years ago

If I type this directly in the terminal I can successfully connect and do a reverse SSH: ssh -f -N -T -R22222:localhost:22

I tried 1987 and 22222 port and nothing mattered with this library code, I couldn't connect.

brolly759 commented 6 years ago


fatfatson commented 5 years ago

i found it not work too. but you can use the ssh2 package directly:

var Client = require('ssh2').Client;
    const Socket = require('net').Socket;
    var conn = new Client();
    var remotePort = 8081;
    var remoteIP = 'xxxx';
    var remoteUser = 'ec2-user';
        .on('error', function(e) {
            console.log('ssh reverse forward error', e);
        .on('ready', function() {
            console.log('Client :: ready');
            conn.forwardIn('', remotePort, function(err) {
                if (err) {
                    // errors.push(err);
                    throw err;
                console.log('Listening for connections on server on port remotePort!');
        .on('tcp connection', function(info, accept, reject) {
            console.log('TCP :: INCOMING CONNECTION:');

            var srcSocket = new Socket();

            srcSocket.connect(remotePort, 'localhost', function() {
                var remote = accept();
                console.log('accept remote connection');
            host: remoteIP,
            port: 22,
            username: remoteUser,
            privateKey: fs.readFileSync('./sh-key'),