Vimwiki is fantastic. I appreciate everyone that has bad it possible.
One major (or minor ? ^.^ ) improvement of the plugin would be to enable
exporting the .wiki files into LaTeX format.
As a first attempt on this track, we can keep it simple. Here is what I could
think of:
- Assume that user of Vimwiki would only use the `= h1 titleline =` series for
structuring their text document. Then, we can have the following
`=AnyText1=` could be translated to `\section{AnyText1}`;
`==AnyText2==` could be translated to `\subsection{AnyText2}`;
`===AnyText3===` could be translated to `\subsubsection{AnyText3}`;
`====AnyText4====` could be translated to `\paragraph{AnyText4}`;
`=====AnyText5=====` could be translated to `\subparagraph{AnyText5}`
There may be a subsubparagraph class, but I am not sure.
- For texts enclosed by `$`, they could be left by themselves;
- For enclosed chunks of code, either by ` or {{{ ... }}}, they could be
changed to
* Inline: \verb|CodeChunk|
* Cross-line code block:
` CodeChunk-CrossLine`
- For bold texts: `*BoldText*` == `\textbf{BoldText}`;
- For italic ones: `_ItalicText_` == `\textit{ItalicText}`;
- For superscripts: `super^script^` == `$super^{script}$`; if the superscript
should be an text element, one can specify this by
- For subscripts: `sub,,script,,` == `$sub_{script}$`.
Note that, `_` and `^` for subscript and superscript would only work when they
are enclosed in `$` environment, with an opening dollar sign and a closing
dollar sign.
I am making this proposal because I cannot help myself typing in accordance
with the LaTeX syntax when I am documenting thoughts in VimViki. I am trying to
write a "cleaning" script using Regex in Python to convert my Vimwiki files
into TEX-readable files, but I am still in progress of familiarizing with
regular expression (still a long way to go). I believe it would be better if we
could make it a <leader> key mapping within VimWiki. @EinfachToll I am willing
to help with the cleaning script if you would need help.
Thanks in advance!
- Linfeng
Original issue reported on by on 4 Sep 2014 at 7:31
Original issue reported on by
on 4 Sep 2014 at 7:31