agemagician / ProtTrans

ProtTrans is providing state of the art pretrained language models for proteins. ProtTrans was trained on thousands of GPUs from Summit and hundreds of Google TPUs using Transformers Models.
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Generating embedding from finetuned model #146

Open abelavit opened 6 months ago

abelavit commented 6 months ago


I needed help on how to go about generating embedding after ProtT5 has been finetuned. I have carried out finetuning of the model using the sample code 'PT5_LoRA_Finetuning_per_residue_class.ipynb' on my own dataset. I have the saved mode called PT5_secstr_finetuned.pth. How do we now extract embedding for new protein sequences such as sequence_examples = ["PRTEINO", "SEQWENCE"] using the finetuned model?

Thank you for your time.

mheinzinger commented 6 months ago

The model outputs have a field called hidden_states which contain the embeddings. Sth along those lines: embeddings = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask).hidden_states

abelavit commented 6 months ago

For loading the original pre-trained model, such as ProtT5, it can be done so:

Load the tokenizer tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained('Rostlab/prot_t5_xl_half_uniref50-enc', do_lower_case=False)

Load the model model = T5EncoderModel.from_pretrained("Rostlab/prot_t5_xl_half_uniref50-enc").to(device)

To load the finetuned model, from the PT5_LoRA_Finetuning_per_residue_class.ipynb script, the command seems to be:

tokenizer, model_reload = load_model("./PT5_secstr_finetuned.pth", num_labels=3, mixed = False)

The load_model in the above calls other functions (e.g. PT5_classification_model function) which leads to having a chunky script. I am wondering if there was a simple way to load the finetuned model and obtain embedding for protein sequences, such as done for the original pre-trained model (ProtT5).

I am not sure if I am doing it right.


mheinzinger commented 5 months ago

I see your point; however, currently we do not have the bandwidth to work on a nicer interface, sorry. In case you should find a nicer way, e.g., by using , feel free to share or to create a pull request :)