agemagician / ProtTrans

ProtTrans is providing state of the art pretrained language models for proteins. ProtTrans was trained on thousands of GPUs from Summit and hundreds of Google TPUs using Transformers Models.
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How was ProtT5 trained? #148

Closed Sspandau closed 2 months ago

Sspandau commented 5 months ago

Dear Rostlab,

Do you have a notebook or code that shows how protT5_xl_uniref50 was trained?

mheinzinger commented 5 months ago

No, unfortunately, I have no working version of the old code anymore, sorry. It was based on this old version of T5 training code that is depreciated by now:

However, for my ProstT5 fine-tuning (which involved continued span-based pre-training using ProtT5 as starting point), I successfully used this one: Contrary to our original ProtT5 pre-training objective which was closer to BERT pre-training (corrupting always only spans of length=1 and reconstructing the full/unmasked sequence in the output instead of generating only those tokens that got replaced by spans), I simply followed the original T5 pre-training strategy given in the linked above for continued pre-training of ProtT5 (which worked fine).

If you want to start training from scratch, maybe this repo helps (did not try, though):